McKitrick: The IPCC must take everybody for fools

Startet av Amatør1, september 17, 2013, 18:17:56 PM

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Ross McKitrick har en drepende artikkel i The Financial Post om IPCC og deres nyeste kreasjon, AR5.

SitatIPCC models getting mushy

The IPCC's view of the science, consistently held since the 1990s, is that CO2 is the key driver of modern climate change, and that natural variability is too small to count in comparison. This is the "mainstream" view of climate science, and it is what is programmed into all modern climate models. Outputs from the models, in turn, have driven the extraordinarily costly global climate agenda of recent decades. But it is now becoming clear that the models have sharply over predicted warming, and therein lies a problem.

As the gap between models and reality has grown wider, so has the number of mainstream scientists gingerly raising the possibility that climate models may soon need a bit of a re-think. A recent study by some well-known German climate modelers put the probability that models can currently be reconciled with observations at less than 2%, and they said that if we see another five years without a large warming, the probability will drop to zero.

The IPCC must take everybody for fools

What's more, the U.K.'s main climate modeling lab just this summer revised its long-term weather forecasts to show it now expects there to be no warming for at least another five years. Ironically, if its model is right, it will have proven itself and all others like it to be fundamentally wrong.


The IPCC must take everybody for fools. Its own graph shows that observed temperatures are not within the uncertainty range of projections; they have fallen below the bottom of the entire span. Nor do models simulate surface warming trends accurately; instead they grossly exaggerate them. (Nor do they match them on regional scales, where the fit is typically no better than random numbers.)


Finally, the IPCC has proven, yet again, that it is incapable of being objective. Canadian journalist Donna LaFramboise has meticulously documented the extent to which the IPCC has been colonized by environmental activists over the years, and we now see the result. As the model-versus-reality discrepancy plays out, the last place you will learn about it will be in IPCC reports.

Les det hele hos The Financial Post. Dette er med å markere et paradigme-skifte. IPCC kan ikke overleve e slik massakre som den nå vil gjennomgå. Det er ikke noe klima-problem, naturen viser det og folk forstår det (da regner jeg ikke norske politikere som 'folk').

Etter hvert som folk forstår at de har blitt lurt, vil noen spørre: Hvorfor skjedde dette? Da er vi mye nærmere svaret og avvergingen av vår tids største politiske kupp.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på september 17, 2013, 18:17:56 PMDet er ikke noe klima-problem, naturen viser det og folk forstår det (da regner jeg ikke norske politikere som 'folk').

Meget klokt gjort av deg.

Takk for denne presentasjonen, som var en nyhet for meg. Noen flying start kan vi vel ikke si AR5 har fått...
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.
