
Om andre ting enn klima => Om andre ting enn klima => Emne startet av: Jostemikk på januar 17, 2013, 22:29:32 PM

Tittel: Sandy Hook-skytingen
Skrevet av: Jostemikkjanuar 17, 2013, 22:29:32 PM
Den siste uka har jeg flere ganger vært i ferd med å lage en tråd om denne fæle saken. Ikke for å røre i elendigheten, men for å fortelle hvor gal verden har blitt. Nei, jeg snakker ikke om skytteren, jeg snakker om noe helt annet.

I dag tok sannelig Chiefio (E. M. Smith) opp denne saken, og da føler jeg meg litt tøffere. Det er det verste jeg vet dette, å legge ut om galskapen som rir verden nå, og selv om galskapen er synlig for alle som tør se, (klore snerken ut av øynene) gruet jeg meg til og med til å fortelle noe så gjennomdokumentert som at støttesiden for de pårørende i forbindelse med Sandy Hook-skytingen ble opprettet 3 dager før skytingen fant sted. Og denne historien har mer. Mye mer. Ingen skriver om vriene saker bedre enn Smith, så vær så snill, klikk på linken jeg legger ut, og les om dette fæle. Hvem sto bak?

Musings from the Chiefio - Hook for Conspriacy Conjecture, Sandy (http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/hook-for-conspriacy-conjecture-sandy/#comments)
Tittel: Sv: Sandy Hook-skytingen
Skrevet av: Jostemikkjanuar 22, 2013, 23:56:21 PM
Dette er ille. Hele saken smuldrer under nærmere undersøkelser. Først, her er nettstedet som fant ut at støttesiden for de etterlatte ble opprettet tre dager før skytingen (http://www.naturalnews.com/038633_Sandy_Hook_Google_search_results_December_11.html).

Nå viser det seg at CNN har vist sine dramatiske "direktebilder" fra en helt annen skole.

CNN video of police charge at Sandy Hook is not Sandy Hook (http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/341776)

Det er mengder av annet, men jeg regner med at alle er i stand til å finne dette selv. Jeg anbefaler å starte med det Chiefio skriver. Link er i forrige innlegg.
Tittel: Sv: Sandy Hook-skytingen
Skrevet av: Jostemikkfebruar 27, 2014, 01:32:13 AM
Ingen døde under "Sandy Hook"-skytingen

Jeg brukte anførselstegn på Sandy Hook, for ingen vet om det forfalskede "åstedet" engang var der. Nå får ingen undersøkt lenger, for myndighetene fant ut at det tryggeste var å slette hele området fra jordas overflate.

Skuespillerne som sto fram på TV er tatt godt hånd om for framtiden.

SitatAdded 2/26/2014:  BREAKING: Social Security Records Show No Deaths in Alleged Sandy Hook Massacre.  Manual search of the Social Security Death master file lists reveals no deaths and no victims in the alleged Sandy Hook murders.

Sandy Hook Gun Grab Scandal Breaks Wide Open Under New Investigation

Social Security Records Show No Deaths in Alleged Sandy Hook Massacre.  Manual search of the Social Security Death master file lists reveals no deaths and no victims in the alleged Sandy Hook murders.

By Harold Saive and Wolfgang Halbig – 2/25/2014


But as time goes by, inconsistencies including numerous instances of foreknowledge continue to create a mountain of doubt. Growing public skepticism combined with earned trust by non-corporate, alternative media is the most likely reason the FBI has now "classified" evidence in the shooting. The act of classifying evidence is designed to provide a fire-wall of secrecy and FOIA denials to effectively "cover-up" incriminating details that could send many officials to jail.

The answer to one important question is now subject to cover-up by virtue of being "classified":

SitatWhat are the names of the police who pronounced the children dead at the scene before licensed physicians and personnel, authorized to make such decisions, had a chance to examine the victims?


Jeg synes alle burde se det første minuttet av denne videoen. Den viser en av "fedrene" til et av "ofrene". Først står han og gliser og ler rett etter at han i følge myndigheter og MSM har fått sitt livs aller jævligste beskjed om at hans lille datter har blitt skutt,, så går det opp for ham at han skal på lufta, og da pumper han seg opp som en skikkelig teaterskuespiller, før han hulker fram løgnene sine.


Det finnes ingen lik, det finnes ingen offentlig dokumentasjon på identifisering av lik eller noe annet. Det finnes ingen kulehull, eller fantes ingen, for nå finnes ikke lenger skolebygningene etter at myndighetene rev dem.

SitatThe New York Times, our nation's newspaper of record (which records the "official history" of the United States), has reported that, with its "final report," the criminal investigation of Sandy Hook by the State of Connecticut is over. 

Remarkably, the report does not even include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting. There is no actual identification of any of the dead. Even the Danbury, CT, Newstimes found it unsatisfying.

And the 52 "autopsy photos" that accompany the report are redacted. The New York Times itself now appears to be responsible for a stunning display of journalistic incompetence on a matter of enormous public concern.

Anyone with the inclination can comb through hundreds of years of American crime reports and (I would bet) you will not find another instance in the which the names, the ages or the sex of the victims is not given–with the exception of victims of sex crimes.  Withholding this information is part of a pattern of deception and deceit that extends to the Clerk of Newtown making secret arrangements with the state legislature to avoid releasing death certificates to the public, attempts to withhold the 911 calls and gag orders that were imposed upon those responsible for tearing down the building itself:

SitatIn a letter accompanying the report, Reuben F. Bradford, the commissioner of the state's Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, said the names and "contextually identifying information of involved children" were withheld, including descriptions of the children, their clothing and their belongings. "All visual images depicting the deceased have been withheld," he added, "as well as written descriptions whose disclosure would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and would violate the constitutional rights of the families."


Sandy Hook Fire Chief Bill Halstead was ready to help the victims but could recall only two wounded people. A few survivors were reportedly taken to the hospital, but, oddly, these people were never interviewed. There were no first-hand accounts that proved anyone was killed or injured. Nonetheless, according to Lt. Vance, 18 children were pronounced dead at the scene, two children were removed to "an area hospital" and were pronounced dead at the hospital, and seven adults were pronounced dead at the scene, including the shooter (NBC).

No emergency vehicles were present at the school or even lined up in the fire lane for a rescue attempt—the parking lot was filled with parked cars, police cars and possibly media vehicles. Such rescue activity as occurred was centered, not on the school premises, but at the nearby Firehouse. Emergency vehicles at the Firehouse were jammed together impeding access to the school, in case anyone might have thought about attempting a rescue. The scene at the Firehouse was quite peculiar, with people milling around and circling through the building, walking out one door and into another, to give the impression of lots of people and lots of action. But it was all in accordance with FEMA manuals for drills.


Her har dere FEMA-drillen:

Tittel: Sv: Det store skuespillet
Skrevet av: Jostemikkfebruar 28, 2014, 21:01:24 PM
Oligarkene og media har gjort at folk flest lever i ei ikke-virkelig boble

Det som kommer nå er den beste og mest triste dokumentasjonen på at alt er en illusjon. Alt er motsatt av hva folk flest tror. Menneskene i Sandy Hook var en gjeng skuespillere, og manusforfatterne var sionistoligarkene som står bak MSM, vestens politikere og mainstream media. De som sto bak begikk flere tabber, og en av dem var å opprette en støtteside på Internett for de etterlatte allerede tre dager før hendelsene.

Det ble lagt ut en støtteside for økonomisk hjelp til de etterlatte etter Sandy Hook-"massakren" tre dager før hendelsen

Den påståtte massakren av 20 småbarn og 6 voksne på skolen i Sandy Hook i Connecticut i USA skjedde den 14. desember 2012.

Tre dager før ble det lagt ut en støtteside for de etterlatte etter "massakren" der de oppfordret til å hjelpe de pårørende økonomisk. Altså: 11. desember 2012 ble det opprettet en støtteside for de etterlatte i Sandy Hook. På Google så denne linken slik ut:


På Yahoo Answers ble dette tatt opp, og jeg siterer:

SitatHow was it that United Way offered Sandy Hook families their condolences 3 days before the shooting occured?

More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative. On December 11 Google indexed the United Way website that offered condolences to the family's of Sandy Hook.

This is a full three days before the actual shooting that took place on December 14 2012.


SitatUnited Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut. While the eyes of the world may be on Newtown/Sandy Hook, to several staff, volunteers and contributors, Newtown is home. We will stand with the community and everyone affected directly and indirectly by this tragic event as we face the days and weeks ahead.


Hvilket medførte dette svaret:

SitatI don't know what to make of this, but for those of you wanting proof of the December 11 index, you can see for yourself. At the time of this writing, these steps will get you there.

1) Go to google.
2) Search using this phrase "sandy hook united way"
3) On the results page, right under the search bar where you can choose images, web, etc, there should be a choice that says "search tools" at the far right. Click it.
4) You should see a bar underneath "search tools" pop up. There should be a choice that says "any time". Click it.
5) The drop-down box lists a choice for custom range at the bottom. Choose this.
6) A dialog with a from and to date should appear. Use the calendar on the right side of the dialog box and choose December 11th, 2012 for the to and from date. This limits the results of your Google search to pages that were indexed on that date.
7) Click "go" in the dialog. You should now be seeing the results for your search query indexed on that date. In the top few results, if not the very first, you should see the United Way page for the Sandy Hook school.

Like I said, don't know what to make of this and I'm not making any other statements. Just wanted to provide the proof for those of you seeking it.
Tried this myself. You can easily replicate the process and see yourself.

Og dette:

SitatTo make it easy to get the age of the page a feature to Link Diagnosis Firefox Extension. Just add inurl: and the site you are searching and you will find the first time it was added on google

Sandy Hook School Support Fund - United Way of Western ...
https://newtown.uwwesternct.org/11 Dec 2012 - For the latest information on the Sandy Hook School Support Fund: Or visit our website at: http://www.uwwesternct.org. United Way extends our most sincere ...

Alle disse treffene er nå slettet fra Google, og det er ingen hjelp i Wayback Machine heller, for de kan ikke finne eller lagre det de kaller robot-text. Heldigvis finnes mengder av samvittighetsfulle mennesker som har lagret dokumentasjonen, og den finnes i forskjellige utgaver. Her er mer:

SitatSandy Hook So Busted... The Clincher!

A simple URL look up in Google shows strange creation and cache dates for a web page that is purported to help parents talk to children about the Sandy Hook tragedy:


A screenshot of the results of the above Google search saved on Jan 17, 2013:


SitatAs you can see above, it returns the date it was first cached by the Google system as Dec. 13, 2012.  (Sandy Hook was Dec 14, 2012!)  Plus, their document upload system (WordPress) on the original server auto-created the directory folder structure and shows the date as Dec 10, 2012. (See this WordPress Settings Image.  It shows that the first selection after the default for WordPress directory settings is day and name, which creates a year, then month, then day folder matching the current date.) Not likely the date was wrong on the server, since this is hosted on a server farm, and all servers are synced to worldwide time servers.

They are so busted!  Sandy Hook is a false flag of the most treasonous kind!  The cache date at Google and the date-ordered directory structure is our proof!  I took screenshots just in case it gets scrubbed.

And now, the clincher!  The screenshot below was taken Jan 17, 2013, of a cached copy of the original page that the link went to as it appeared on Dec 18, 2012:


SitatNotice the Dec 10th, 2012 date!   All the other "accidental date error" tribute sites, donation pages and crap (http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/sandy-hook-ripdonation-webpages-created-before-the-massacre/) that's been ferreted out by the alternative info community had the same one.  Oops!!!

Follow this link to see a screenshot image of another donation page for "Sandy Hook Shooting Victims" and it also has a date of Dec 10, 2012:



Mer fra samme side:

SitatGuys, check out this website below. This guy probably has the most accurate account of the type of hoax I'm talking about in the original story. He names the creators of the document and in fact, he claims there is an admission from the head of the corporation that they created it on Dec 10th, 2012.


Now, you can't tell me there's no one left to arrest, can you?


FYI, the creator of the original document, Crisis Management Institute, whose director is a woman named Cheri Lovre, resides in Salem, Oregon, which is in Marion County, Oregon.


Flere av disse linkene er nå døde. De går til ikke-eksisterende sider som vanlig er når myndighetene forsøker slette sporene etter sine forbrytelser. I likhet med saken over, har også Google slettet sporene. Her er et skjermbilde fra en til som sikret dokumentasjon på dette i begynnelsen av januar 2013 rett før alt ble slettet fra Google:


FEMA-lønnede skuespillere som "sørgende" TV-gråtende "innbyggere" i Sandy Hook

Denne saken er like grotesk som den er en dokumentasjon på den illusjonen av virkeligheten myndighetene og media skaper for de som ikke er seg bevisst hvordan verden dessverre er skrudd sammen. Jeg legger ut noen bilder med tekst i forbindelse med sitatet.

SitatRemarkable resemblance of Sandy Hook victims and professional crisis actors

This is a follow-up on the post our lowtechgrannie did on January 7, 2013, "Crisis Actor Photos. (http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/crisis-actor-photos/)"

At issue is whether professional "crisis actors" are going beyond mere simulation of mass casualty events (what the Denver-based group VisionBox Crisis Actors say they do) to actually impersonate real-life people caught in the news of recent massacres, notably the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

There's a woman named Jennifer Greenberg Sexton who lives in Florida. She has a remarkable family because so many members of the Sexton-Greenberg clan are dopplegangers of people associated with the Sandy Hook massacre.

Here's Jennifer Greenberg on Stars Color (http://www.starscolor.com/imgs/17379-jennifer-greenberg-3.html), a website with pictures of people in the movie industry — actors, actresses, directors — which suggests Greenberg is an actress, albeit not a famous or even known one:


SitatI took a screenshot (on Jan. 11, 2013) of her picture on Stars Color in case the site scrubs it in the days to come:


SitatHere's a picture of Jennifer Greenberg Sexton and her husband Richard Sexton (we don't know when the photos were taken):


SitatHere's a later photo of Richard Sexton, showing he's lost some hair:


SitatIn the video below, beginning at the 8:49 mark, CNN's Wolf Blitzer is interviewing a couple, Nick and Laura Phelps, about slain Sandy Hook school principal Dawn Hochsprung. The Phelps are parents of two Sandy Hook students:


SitatI took these two screen shots of Nick and Laura Phelps from the video:


SitatBut Nick and Laura Phelps look very much like another couple, Richard and Jennifer Greenberg Sexton! See for yourself.

In the composite I made (see below), Richard Sexton is in the top row, Nick Phelps in bottom row:


SitatHere's a composite of pictures of Jennifer Greenberg Sexton (top row) and Laura Phelps (bottom row). Dang. The two women even part their hair the same way!


SitatRemember the pic of Richard and Jennifer (Greenberg) Sexton and their daughter? Here it is again. Take a good look at the girl's face:


SitatHere's a pic of Jennifer Greenberg Sexton with two girls. The one on the left looks to be an older version of the young girl in the photo above. The older girl on the right is said to be Samantha Sexton:


SitatHere's a photo of 5 children, said to be the Sexton-Greenberg kids. Do the girls look familiar to you? The girl on the left looks like Samantha Sexton in the photo above. Note the smiling dark-haired boy, the second boy from Samantha. Let's call him the Greenberg boy.


SitatBeginning at the 3:45 mark in the video below, a reporter is interviewing the siblings of slain teacher Victoria Soto. Pay special attention to the boy Carlos Matthew Soto (5:00 mark) and the older girl, Carlee Soto (5:28 mark):


SitatDoes Carlos Matthew Soto (l) look like an older version of the Greenberg boy (r)?


Det finnes mengder med tilsvarende, men dette innlegget er allerede langt nok. Her er "Emilie Parker", den påståtte datteren til mannen som lo og flirte i videoen jeg linket til i forrige innlegg. Legg merke til den høyre armen hennes, den hun holder rundt sin "lillesøster". Hvor lang er den overarmen, eller hvor bred er den skuldra?


Alt er falskt. Alt er en illusjon. Hele Sandy Hook-farsen er noe NWO-oligarkene skapte med hjelp fra Obama-administrasjonen og vestens mainstream media for å frata innbyggerne enda flere rettigheter, og for at Obama, NWO-oligarkenes løpegutt (og skuespiller han også) skulle få gjennom sitt brudd på grunnloven ved å frata amerikanske borgere deres rett til å eie våpen. Da Sandy Hook ikke hjalp, skapte de en tilsvarende svindel i forbindelse med Boston maraton-"terroren" to dager før Obamas forslag skulle stemmes over. Heldigvis ble han nedstemt, men det er ingen grunn til å tro at dette stopper her.

Les gjerne Sandy Hook massacre was a "contrived event," says former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/02/26/sandy-hook-massacre-contrived-event-says-former-state-trooper-wolfgang-halbig/), og denne om hvordan prisen på husene til Sandy Hook-familiene ble satt til 0 ved både kjøp og salg, The strange purchase date and price of Sandy Hook homes (http://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2014/02/13/the-strange-purchase-date-and-price-of-sandy-hook-homes/)

Her er hvordan tekstingen mellom to foreldre av barn på Sandy Hook forløp den 14. desember. Alt som vanlig på skolen.





