Tallbloke søker rettslig erstatning - bidrag ønskes

Startet av Amatør1, desember 18, 2011, 01:39:42 AM

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Med referanse til hendelsene omtalt i tråden Politiet har raidet hjemmet til Tallbloke.

Det har for de fleste vært åpenbart at politiaksjonen mot Tallbloke er grunnløs og urimelig, spesielt siden politiet selv hevder han ikke er mistenkt for noe.

Talbloke har nå kontaktet advokat, og denne advokaten har nå postet på WUWT!!

WUWT: Tallbloke to take to torts

Sitat fra: Tallblokes advokatTo:

All those who feel offended and/or threatened by the actions taken against innocent climate enthusiast Roger Tattersall aka 'Tallbloke' as a result of the unsought anonymous drop of data from the person or persons known as 'FOIA'.

That data is clearly in the public interest by virtue of having relevance to the wisdom of certain global policy decisions relating to energy use, energy supply and possibly global rationing of energy sources and the direct or indirect taxation of every individual on the planet for the foreseeable future.

Roger has been publicly libelled and abused across the world to the detriment of his reputation and has suffered distress, inconvenience and damage to property. The worst such offender appears to have been a contributor at 'Scienceblogs'.

His privacy has been invaded and he and his family have been intimidated.

It is possible that treatment of that nature could be meted out to any persons expressing sceptical views about the so called climate consensus.

A clear signal needs to be sent out that such treatment is an abuse of process and a negation of free speech and democratic freedoms.

It is proposed to investigate all options open to Roger for the obtaining of suitable redress within the law. In the event that legal actions are considered appropriate it will be necessary to appoint suitably experienced Counsel to represent his interests and in this matter Roger's interests coincide with those of all of who find themselves unable to feebly acquiesce in the pressure that is being applied to prevent them from exercising their hard won freedoms.

To that end, an appeal fund is being launched in order to finance the necessary steps. Contributions can be made via Roger's Paypal account as displayed on his site (http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/) and all funds received for that purpose are to be transferred to the Client Account of his solicitors Wilde & Company.

Any funds not eventually used for necessary legal expenses will be donated to a selection of climate sceptic organisations. Accounting procedures will be put in place in compliance with the requirements of the UK regulatory system governing the proper use of Client monies held by UK solicitors.

Stephen P R Wilde. LLB (Hons.), Solicitor.

Wilde & Co. Cheshire England

Dette er en sak vi bør støtte. Jeg vil sende min andel umiddelbart via PayPal.

Oppdatering Kl 02:00: Mitt bidrag er sendt via PayPal
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Bra saker, og den økonomiske støtten er et forslag til etterfølgelse, Amatør1! ;)
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Noen ting er viktigere enn andre ting så jeg ga 50£. Ikke all verden, men et viktig bidrag til noe jeg tror på. Uansett hvordan man snur og vender på dette så vil regningen for IKKE å støtte en slik sak kunne bli MYE høyere.

La oss bekjempe denne galskapen med alle midler, for dette handler jo tross alt om fremtiden for våre barnebarn!

(Der fikk jeg inn den følelsesladde kommentaren  :))
Do remember to forget
anger, worry and regret.
Live while you've got life to live,
love while you've got love to give.

Piet Heine.


Sitat fra: Josik på desember 18, 2011, 03:40:15 AM
La oss bekjempe denne galskapen med alle midler, for dette handler jo tross alt om fremtiden for våre barnebarn!

(Der fikk jeg inn den følelsesladde kommentaren  :))

Takk for støtten, både moralsk og pekuniær  ;D !! Det kan se ut som om The Storms of our Grandchildren (for å si det slik) har kommet før tiden.

Dette tegner til å bli en avgjørende sak, her fra kommentarene på WUWT:

SitatSteve McIntyre says:
December 17, 2011 at 6:13 pm

£750 from Climate Audit. .
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Støttet saken i natt med 50 £. Dette gjelder viktige prinsipper. Så får vi bare håpe at PayPal ikke finner på noe tull, slik de gjorde med Assange i Wikileaksaken. Han har blitt rådet til å overføre pengene fra PP så fort som mulig.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


"Lance" hadde et innlegg på WUWT som jeg synes er svært viktig, for han gir en stemme til alle de som lider ekstra under de skadelige effektene av AGW-systemet og politiske beslutninger gjort pga hysteriet. Vi har en økende fattigdom i Europa. Selv om ikke fattigdommen synes så godt i Norge, er den også her et voksende problem. Se godt rundt deg neste gang du går gatelangs eller er på et kjøpesenter - og jeg lover deg at du vil se fattige. Du ser det på klærne, holdningene, blikket. Men takket være oljen vår har vi fortsatt mulighet til å hjelpe folk i Norge til å ha en mulighet til å holde neseborene så vidt over vannflaten - men ikke alle! En takk til alle frivillige organisasjoner som gjør en jobb for å hjelpe de i vårt samfunn som er hardest rammet.

SitatLance of BC says:
December 17, 2011 at 8:08 pm

I agree about using the term "climate realist" , for that is the truth, we don't deny warming(and the cooling) that is shown from data. Just that CO2 is the cause.

Sorry I am unable to contribute to Rogers fund because I'm one of the energy/food poor, though I work a 40+ hr week at a fair wage, one of the working poor. I'm taxed to poverty from carbon taxes, green energy policy's and politically involvement of enviro NGO's/groups in all branches of local government, the idea everything in life or makes life enjoyable should be taxed or regulated.

Funny, I have always been a person(even as a kid) involved with studying science, a environmentalist and a democrat for all my life, but have now become a conservative because of the lies and insanity from the CAGW religion for so many years. It all started with the same bunch back in the 70′s when human CO2 was causing the next ice age and then the CFC scare .. all bogus.

I've lost faith/trust in ALL sciences, and so is the next generation coming up. This maybe a shame or an awakening to question even the most well established understandings in science. Especially junk science that will cost future generations dearly from our mistakes to cure a problem that never existed...

I'm here as always fighting, if i can spread the word to the world of the NWO/WB/UN/EU involvement in this eco/green/carbon FAKE bubble and their fascist actions that has infiltrated our society, but I`m just living day to day trying to pay the bills for now.

I have hope that soon this albatross around our necks that strangles the truth will be removed to show how much we have done to make this a better world and stop condemned the poor to starvation, sickness and poverty from the flat earth unscientific elite.

I hope roger, your fight accomplishes something, but I fear that this may not be enough and nothing short of revolution/revolt will be the next step.

Interesting times we live in.

Good luck
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: seoto på desember 18, 2011, 10:39:58 AM
Støttet saken i natt med 50 £.

Tanken på fryste midler slo meg også, det er tross alt formuende myndigheter vi snakker om...

Men 50 £ er overført her også. Sannsynligvis den beste investeringen i mitt liv.
"Oljen er sterkt miljøskadelig, og burde brennes!"
Fredric Hauge, Bellonas oppstartsfase...


Jeg er veldig glad for å se at også klimarealistiske mennesker i Norge er med på å støtte Tallbloke. Dette er en viktig sak, for den dreier seg om langt mer enn bare Tallblokes sak.

Er det ellers på tide at vi forlanger å bli kalt klimarealister? For vi er jo ikke skeptiske til klimaet, bare til forskningen, IPCC, politikken og folkene involvert dette. Vi er verken fornektere eller klimaskeptikere. Kanskje IPCC-skeptikere? Men det vil sikkert plage "dem" mer om vi generelt kaller oss klimarealister  8)
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Jeg er også glad for alle som vil delta, med stort eller lite beløp!

I denne sammenhengen kan de kalle oss hva de vil, det er saken til tallbloke som er den viktige nå, for det kan som advokaten hans sa skje igjen med deg og meg om dette ikke stoppes.

Etterpå kan vi saktens diskutere terminologien  ;)
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Tallbloke takker for støtten i dette innlegget

SitatHundreds of donations small and large have been pouring into our fighting fund overnight. I am humbled and grateful for all the help the community is giving to me.

I just want to reiterate Stephen Wilde's statement and solemnly promise that all these donations will be transferred to my solicitor-attorney's client account to be used to cover legal fees and related expenses such as travel to offices if necessary. Stephen is kindly providing legal advice to me pro bono, but where he has to get work done by outside law firms such as libel lawyers fees will be paid.

We are already well on the way to being able to cover the costs of initiating the actions Stephen has outlined above. I am keeping the appeal open because ongoing costs add up quickly in the realm of legal actions. As Stephen has already said, any monies left over will go to a selection of organisations which work on behalf of the climate realist community.

Thank you all again. It has been exhausting but today the sun is shining and I'm going to take my lady for a walk over the hills to a nice country pub for a well deserved lunch. She has been through the wringer over this and I want to show her how much I love her.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Ny utvikling i saken, Greg Laden, som sto i fare for å bli saksøkt har nå enten innsett at han har gjort noe svært dumt, eller rett og slett fått skrupler pga. hva som kan skje om han taper en sak om ærekrenkelse. Kort sakt, han bryter sammen.

WUWT: Greg Laden caves – makes nice with Tallbloke

Greg Laden's Blog Computers Seized in Cyber-Thief Investigation (updated again)

Sitat fra: Greg Ladens advokatI've decided to update this blog entry (20 Dec 2011) because it occurs to me that certain things could be misinterpreted, in no small part because of the common language that separates us across various national borders, and differences in the way debate and concepts of free speech operate in different lands.

I want to make it clear that I do not think that the blogger "TallBloke" a.k.a. Roger Tattersall has broken British law. British authorities are obviously vigorously investigating what might be a criminal act, what might be an ethical violation, what might be a mere violation of protocol or what might someday be seen as a bold strike against tyrannic forces when all is said and done, persons unknown (to all of us). Tattersall himself has not, to my knowledge, been charged with anything, and the Guardian story (the report to which this blog post is, essentially, a pointer) does not seem to indicate that he is at this time charged.

The fact that we (Tattersall and I) are on very different sides of this issue should mean spirited debate. It should mean an open conversation about the issues. It should not mean undue accusations or harassment. In pursuit of that ideal, I am offering Mr. Tattersall to publish a blog post on this site (Greg Laden's Blog) expressing his opinion on the matter, and he has agreed to to so, through his solicitor, instead of pursuing legal action that was previously suggested. I look forward to receiving the text for this post and, again in the spirit of open and public debate about these important issues, I will post it prominently and place it on the select feed for Scienceblog.com to give it maximum exposure.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Bah. Det der er ikke skrevet av Laden, men av hans advokat.

Hans advokat har fortalt ham litt om hva bakvaskelsene hans kan koste ham i dollar og cent.

Så nå feiger han ut. Det gjør ham ikke noe større i mine øyne.
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Har rettet "the provenance of the quote" som McIntyre sikkert ville ha formulert det  8)
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Tallbloke har håp om lysere klimatider:

"But during the longest of nights some things have happened which I hope and believe marks the turning of the tide of darkness we were engulfed by. A non-environmental reporter from the BBC has started to take an interest in what has been going on in the climate debate. As well as being made aware of our plight, she has heard from another person who also had the temerity to send a request for information under the FOI legislation to the Climate Research Unit. He too was questioned by police without being arrested or formally dealt with. He has engaged the interest of his Member of Parliament, and questions are going to be asked."
