Klimaskandaler oppsummert: Gosselin-listen

Startet av Telehiv, oktober 30, 2011, 12:56:13 PM

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Tillater meg å starte en egen tråd på dette, da jeg fikk mye positiv tilbakemelding for å gjøre det samme på forskning.no før sensuren slo til der. Nå er listen dessuten enda mer oppdatert, og noen saker overflyttet til andre lister (se nederst).

NB: Gosselins liste nedenfor er etter min forstand den siste oppdaterte han har lagt ut (pr. aug 2011); så der er jo kommet til endel nytt etter det; her kan kanskje dere legge inn mer? Men ellers kan man jo bare lese fortløpende gjennom og oppleve en minnerik og tankevekkende tur gjennom IPCC-propagandaens lumre korridorer.

Her er det Gosselin sier i sin intro til listen:

No science produces more controversy, exaggerations, distortions, follies, and falsehoods than climate science does. In this new list we've got
94 climate-gates total
28 new gates
145 links to reports with details.

Mht. Gosselins henvisning til 145 linker med detaljrapporter; her er linken for dere som vil sjekke Gosselins sider nærmere: http://notrickszone.com/2010/08/03/climate-scandals-list-of-94-climate-gates/

By P Gosselin on 3. August 2010

The new gates on the list are designated with "NEW!" to make them easy to spot. Thanks to a number of readers who have given me tips.

1. Acceleration of sea level rise-gate 
Claims of accelerating sea level rise are misleading.
2. African agriculture claim-gate
IPCC wrongly claims that in some African countries yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50 percent by 2020.
3. AIT-gate and British High Court
35 errors or gross exaggerations are found in Al Gore's Oscar winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.
4. NEW! Alaskan glaciers-gate
Loss of glaciers in Alaska was grossly exaggerated.
5. Amazon rainforest-gate and  here (NEW!) and here (NEW!) 
IPCC cites "robust" source: green activist organisation WWF. WWF's source was merely an anonymous brief on forest fire risks posted in 1999 and taken down four years later.
6. Antarctic sea ice-gate
Antarctic sea ice underestimated by 50%.
7. NEW! Authoritarian science-gate
The science says... Science is increasingly used as an instrument of authority to impose public policy.
8. NEW! Australia-gate Australia temperature adjusted upwards to show more warming.
9. Bangladesh-gate
IPCC inflates Bangladesh doomsday forecasts in 2007 4AR.
10. NEW! Biofuel-gate
Efforts to save the planet by using bio-fuels are in fact rapidly destroying it.
11. NEW! Black list-gate and here, here and William Anderegg and here
Sceptic scientists are branded and listed by largely discredited, angry alarmist NAS scientists.
12. Boot-cleaning manual-gate
IPCC 4AR cites boot cleaning instructions of an Antarctica tour operator.
13. NEW! BP funds Greenpeace-gate
Follow the money. BP funds Big Green.
14. China-gate and here.
Chinese weather stations were seriously flawed, or could not be located.
15. Climate Camp-gate
Leading environmentalists fly 12,000 miles to attend a conference on protecting the environment.
16. Climate-gate Mother of science scandals, see this excellent Finnish documentary. Loads of literature everywhere. Also read A.W. Montford's The Hockey Stick Illusion.


17. NEW! Consensus-gate
IPCC claim of scientific consensus was phony.
18. NEW! Copenhagen Limo-gate
Governments and activists that demand we stop emitting CO2 book all limos in Copenhagen.
19. NEW! Coral reefs-gate
The coral reefs are not threatened by global warming. They've endured far greater climate extremes many times in the past.
20. CRU data deletion-gate and Dog-ate it-gate
Reasearch unit destroys original temperature data.
21. NEW!  Deutsche Welle-gate 
Public, taxpayer-funded broadcaster advises journalists to abandon neutrality.
22. Discernable influence-gate
Ben Santer slips in infamous clause to Chapter 8 of the 1995 IPCC Report, after the meeting of drafting scientists in Madrid.
23. Drought-gate
Australian drought falsely attributed to AGW.
24. NEW! Dutch-gate
Dutch agency reports 55 percent of the Netherlands is below sea level, when actually it is only 26%.
25. EPA-gate
EPA bureaucracy attempts to unconstitutionally seize regulatory power without consent from Congress in attempt to dictate ever aspect of human life.
26.NEW! Faster then every place-gate Tom Nelson and here  WUWT
Contradictory claims that so many spots on earth are warming faster than everyplace else proves gross over-dramatisation of climate change.
27. Five-star WWF-gate
Swanky, carbon-spewing environmental cruise by the WWF.
28. Finland-gate
NASA GISS shows record high temps for Finland in March 2010 when it was actually colder than normal.
29. Flooded house-gate
Global Climate Change Report uses doctored photos for emotion.
30. FOI-gate
East Anglia committed a crime by refusing to release global warming documents sought in 95 Freedom of Information Act requests.
31. Fungus-gate
Media immediately falsely attributes spread of deadly fungus to global warming.
32. Gatekeeping-gate
Warmist scientists conspire to keep dissenting views out of science journals.
33. GISS Metar-gate and Temperature records seriously flawed as recorders forget the minus sign.
34. NEW! GISS Swiss cheese-gate
GISS uses temperature stations 1200 km away to fill in missing data, creating imaginary hot-spots.
35. GISS FOIA-gate and NASA stall-gate/
GISS stonewalls access to internal documents exposing an abuse of taxpayer funds to advance the global
warming agenda.
36, NEW! GISS rewrites history-gate and here
NASA's GISS manipulates historical record to make past look colder and present warmer.
37. Gore private jet-gate
Gore using private jet and limousines while demanding we walk.
38. Greenpeace-gate
IPCC cites publications by publicity-seeking activist group Greenpeace.
39. Hansen 1930s hot-gate
Errors in Hansen's temperature calculation made the 1990s hotter than the 1930s.
40. Hansen stagecraft-gate
Air conditioners were turned off in midsummer to make 1988 Congressional hearings look hot and sweaty.
41. Himalaya-gate and here
IPCC cites non-peer reviewed literature to support a preposterous claim.
42. Hockey-stick-gate and here and here WCR
Michael Mann produces the faulty and fraudulent hockey stick graph.
43. Hollywood hypocrites-gate and Dave Matthews and Sting-gate and NEW! Kerry yacht-gate
Private-jet setting lifestyles of rich and famous environmentalist hypocrites. We fly, you walk.
44. Hurricane-gate
IPCC exaggerates hurricane activity in it's now discredited 2007 4th Assessment Report.
45. NEW! Jeff Greene drags anchor through coral reef-gate
Billionaire Senator drops anchor and drags it through coral reef near Belize.
46. Jesus Paper-gate
Bishop Hill (A.W. Montford) explains the repeated resurrection of  a paper unfit for publication.
47. NEW! Jon Krosnick-gate and here NYT
48. NEW! Judith Lean-gate and here and here.
49. Kilimanjaro-gate
Kilimanjaro's snowcap not disappearing due to warming.
50. NEW! Lizard-gate
Knee-jerk blame on warming for disappearance of lizards.
51. Malaria-gate and here (new!)
IPCC erroneously claims that global warming leads to increased malaria.
52. Meat-gate
UN claims that meat production was responsible for 18% of greenhouse gases are false.
53. Mega-mansion-gate
Carbon crusader Al Gore purchases huge $8.875 million California mansion, never mind his Nashville home.
54. Met Office computer-gate
Met Office of tree-hugging CRU installs huge energy-consuming super computer.
55. NEW! Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 1969-gate
Projected increases in CO2 and impacts greatly exaggerated in 1969.
56. NEW! Muir Russell-gate
Yet another inquiry can't figure out what hide the decline and delete e-mails means.
57. National Academy of Sciences tax-dollar-gate and here
The Academy uses almost $6 million in taxpayer money to produce cooked books.
58. NASA/NCDC bad data-gate and here
NASA climate data worse than discredited and embattled Climate Research Unit in England.
59. NEW! NASA greenhouse gas-gate
NASA scientists take the Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody numbers and multiply them by an additional factor of two to devise NASA's official Earth energy budget.
60. New Zealand-gate NEW! and here
New Zealand's NIWA doctors its 147-year temperature series to show warming.
61. NEW! Nicholas Stern-gate and here  here
Banker Nicholas Stern writes 712-page 2006 Stern Report with preposterous claims of a collapsing world economy caused by manmade climate change.
62. NOAA adjustment-gate and here, and here
NOAA "adjusts" data to show warming.
63. NOAA/GISS data selection-gate and here
Weather station selection to show warming.
64. NEW! NOAA Hottest 6 months-gate.
NOAA Institute of Climatic Arts and Data Cookery fill in missing stations with hot temps.
65. NYT alarmism-gate and here
Climate change doom and gloom is an old story at the NYT.
66. NEW!  Ocean acidification-gate
Threats of ocean acidification are exaggerated. 
67. Oreskes-gate
An American academic symbolises refusal to acknowledge the obvious: There is no consensus in climate science.
68. Overpeck get rid of MWP-gate
Scientist Johnathan Overpeck said in the 1990s: "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period".
69. Oxbourgh-gate and here (bishop hill) and here (NEW!) and here (NEW!).
Lord Oxburgh whitewashes Climategate. The inquiry itself admits that it "wasn't about science".
70. Pachauri Climate Exchange-gate and Pachauri inquiry and Pachauri making money and full report here and
here (NEW!) and Making money with doom  IPCC Chief's conflict of interest, turning carbon into money.
71. Peer-review-gate 1 and Peer-review-gate 2 and  here (NEW!)
IPCC's climate Bible, 4th Assessment Report, 21 of 40 chapters get an F for excessively citing non-peer-reviewed literature.
72. NEW! Penn State-gate
Penn State incapable of monitoring violations of scientific standards of behavior internally.
73. Persecute and execute-gate and here (NEW!) and here (NEW!)
Warmist zealots use threats and intimidation to suppress free speech and thought in science.
74. Polar bear-gate and here and  Ursus-gate.
How the media and scientists have misused photos of polar bears to mislead readers.
75. Rahmstorf smoothing-gate and here and here.
Rahmstorf uses statistical tricks to hide the decline.
76. Revelle-gate
Gore attempts to have mentor Revelle's name removed from a sceptic scientific article, after he died!
77. Romm-gate
Joe Romm hides the incline – more alarmist deception.
78. Royal Society-gate
The Royal Society acknowledges it had stymied science when it decided to allow sceptic views in climate science.
79. Russia-gate and and here video
Hadley Centre tampers with Russian climate data.
80. Spain night-time solar energy-gate and Solar-gate
Producing solar energy – at night! And skyrocketing costs of subsidised solar energy.
81. Student dissertation-gate
IPCC cites a student's report as scientific literature.
82. Sudan-gate
One of the three vice-chairs of the IPCC comes from human rights wonderland Sudan.
83. Surface stations-gate and here
Surface stations poorly sited and lead to false high temperatures, corrupt data.
84. Suspend-democracy-gate and suspend journalism
Alarmists want to suspend democracy for a while to save us from catastrophe.
85. NEW! THE INDEPENDENT IoS 2060-gate. All the scare-mongering that's unfit to print. British newspaper story abandons all standards of responsible journalism, embarking on a wild orgy of end-of-world fantasizing.
86. Toad-gate
Man not responsible for extinction of Costa Rican toad.
87. NEW! Tropical storm-gate.
Claims that GW is causing more and stronger storms are bogus, more fear-mongering.
88. UNEP-gate
UNEP's Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 use of graphics to mislead readers.
89. UN natural disasters-gate
UN wrongly links natural disasters to global warming.
90. U of Virginia-gate
University of Virginia refuses to provide documents to Virginia attorney general Ken Cussinelli concerning alleged fraud by Michael Mann.
91. NEW! Victoria-gate
BOM's adjustments greatly exaggerate warming in Victoria, Australia.
92. Wikipedia William Connelly-gate
Green Party member Connelly censors and rewrites Wikipedia.
93. Windmill-gate and here
Denmark evicts citizens and clear-cuts forests for windparks. Windmills killing migratory birds.
94. Yamal-gate and here
Keith Briffa cherrypicks tree rings to get the temperature reconstruction he wants.

Removed from list:
IPCC Chairman Pachauri writes steamy novel with explicit passages. (Not really a gate).
Ursus-gate (Moved to polar bear-gate)
Science magazine uses a photoshopped image of polar bear.
Google-gate and here and, Oh but wait!
Google chooses which information you should see.

Værsågod - her er nok grunnlag for mange nye tema å forfølge i enkeltinnlegg?
Vitenskapen kan av og til risikere å bli innhentet av sannheten


Flott, Telehiv. Her var det mye å hente fram når man har behov for det. Ble faktisk minnet om ganske mye som hadde gått i glemmeboka, og sannelig var det noen saker jeg ikke har vært borti. ;)
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.
