0672.txt, Harry fra Climategate 1.0

Startet av Amatør1, november 26, 2011, 20:19:46 PM

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Husker dere Harry fra HARRY_READ_ME.txt i Climategate 1.0? Han som beskrev slike ting som dette

Sitat fra: HARRY_READ_ME.txt8. Had a hunt and found an identically-named temperature database file which did include normals lines at the start of every station. How handy - naming two different files with exactly the same name and relying on their location to differentiate! Aaarrgghh!!

Er usikker på om Harry har blitt identifisert tidligere, men etter det jeg forstår nå er det snakk om CRUs Ian Harris
Sitat fra: 0672.txt
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Osborn" <t.osborn@uea.ac.uk>
>>To: "Janice Darch" <J.Darch@uea.ac.uk>; "Elly Reynolds"
>>Cc: "Clare Goodess" <C.Goodess@uea.ac.uk>
>>Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:44 PM
>>Subject: Ian Harris
>>>Dear Elly and Janice,
>>>Clare has given me a copy of your email about Harry's (Ian
>>>Harris') salary, currently being paid from R14433, indicating that
>>>there are insufficient funds to pay him for the 18 months that was
>>>costed for in the proposal.

Se også


It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Mer interessante opplysninger om Ian "Harry" Harris

Her er en Climategate 2.0 epost som interessant nok IKKE ser ut til å stamme fra CRU sin epost-server (merk adressene @btinternet.com på avsender og mottaker). Her er det en "Adrian Ramsay" som skriver til Harris og lurer på om Harry synes det er ok å bli identifisert som CRU-ansatt i en pressemelding ifbm. et valg i 2001.

Harry er ikke særlig begeistret over ideen.
Sitat> > can I say you work in CRU
> Definitely not

Hvem er så Adrian Ramsay?

SitatAdrian Ramsay, 29, is Deputy Leader of the Green Party. In the 2010 General Election he secured the second highest Green vote in the country in the Norwich South constituency, doubling the party's vote share to 15%.

Så konteksten er altså at Ian Ramsay (da 19 år...) skriver en pressemelding på for the Green party, og sender epost om det via en privat epost-adresse til Ian "Harry" Harris ved CRU.

Hvorfor det? Jo "Harry" er nemlig "Election Agent" for The Green Party samtidig som han jobber for CRU. Det er vel logisk på sett og vis, så hvorfor vil han "Definitely not" at disse to posisjonene skal kobles? 

Slik ser vi hvordan "klimavitenskapen" og miljøaktivistene lever i en komplett symbiose, men vi ser også at de ikke synes å være spesielt stolte av det.

Sitat fra: 4648.txtdate: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 18:59:20 -0000
from: "Adrian Ramsay" <???@btinternet.com>
subject: Re: UEA News release
to: "Harry Harris" <???@btinternet.com>

<x-charset iso-8859-1>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Harris" <???@btinternet.com>
To: "Adrian Ramsay" <???@btinternet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: UEA News release

> At 9:26 pm +0000 ???/2/01, Adrian Ramsay wrote:
> >Harry,
> >
> >Are you happy for me to mention that you work at UEA in a news release to
> >concrete about the elections?
> Not particularly after last time (transport meeting) where I got
> flayed alive by the Director of CRU.
> > If so, can I say you work in CRU
> Definitely not
> > and if not
> >should I just put researcher
> Well...OK but *no affiliation* please!

> > or something? (The release is mainly about Rob
> >in Norwich North and University but I am also mentioning the other people
> >from UEA who have a role if that is OK with them.)
> >
> >Also, the new LibDem local website (www.norwich.libdems.org) has a space
> >under the Thorpe Hamlet councillors, suggesting that the news Ingo heard
> >about Jane Edwards is correct. Perhaps you could still ask if there is news
> >of a date for a by-election. If they are leaving it until May 3rd unless
> >someone calls for one before then (this may be how things work), I think we
> >should do so to capitalise on the low turnout.
> Isn't that also capitalising on Jane Edward's death?

No. There will be a by-election at some point anyway. I don't see why the
people of Thorpe Hamlet should only in effect have one City Councillor
between now and May 3rd (if they are leaving it until then), especially as
that one is Samantha Allison!

I would appreciate it if you could ask them about this, and the rules about
restricted media coverage ahead of the local elections (length) so that I
can book a room for the public meeting.

> Cheers
> Harry
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Ian Harris - "Harry"               Norwich Green Party
> Election Agent                     www.greenparty.org.uk/norwich/
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Flott detektivarbeid, Amatør1! Det kan se ut til at enkelte politiske retninger har en agenda på gang angående klimasaken...
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Vel uansett, etter å ha lest Harrys kommentarer til CRU-dataenes tilstand, regner jeg med at bildet ble tatt etter at han hadde hatt jobben med å forsøke å få orden på temperaturdatabasen.

Det han mangler av hår, ligger nok igjen på gulvet foran dataskjermen.   :D
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Sitat fra: Jostemikk på november 26, 2011, 20:49:10 PM
Flott detektivarbeid, Amatør1! Det kan se ut til at enkelte politiske retninger har en agenda på gang angående klimasaken...

Ja, og det er dette som er budskapet fra Climategate 2.0.

Climategate 1.0 handlet om å påvise at klimaforskerne drev med juks ("hide the decline" bl.a.) og at de manipulerte fagfellevurderingsprosessen.

Climategate 2.0 handler om å påvise at klimasaken er totalt politisk infisert og styrt, at forskerne er inkompetente (ref. Jones som sliter med MS Excel), samt at de er nærmest komplette hyklere (ref. alle flyreisene til Tahiti, Wengen og andre behagelige steder).
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to