Dagens link om alt annet enn klima

Startet av seoto, august 24, 2011, 12:48:32 PM

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Noe sier meg at Joe Postma begynner å miste tålmodigheten med hovedårsaken til verdens ondskap. En ting er hans store innsats for å avsløre "tilbakestrålingen" fra CO2. Noe annet er at han nå ser ut til å ha forstått hvor skoen trykker på planetens liktær. I hvertfall en god del.

Det som forårsaket denne verbale eksplosjonen var et innlegg med mainstream flatleggingsoppfatning av situasjonen i Ukraina og årsaken bak.

SitatJoseph E Postma says:
2014/02/20 at 9:37 AM

Westy for God's sake, the uprising in Ukraine is being fomented by Nato and the US because they want to install their capitalist banks to do the same thing there that they did in Cyprus, Greece, etc. Also they want to wrest the Ukraine into Nato so that Russia's power is reduced. You have literal neo-Nazi fascists running this uprising and they even have support from the western-funded (i.e. capitalist funded) Syrian rebels who've left Syria and been funnelled into Ukraine with help of the US Ambassadors.

Are you so fucking stupid? Are you people such fucking retards? You want banks in control you fucking dipshits? You want private capitalist banks and Wall Street in control of your freedom you fucking morons? Cause that's what you're getting with free market capitalism and when the last semblance of government rule BY THE PEOPLE finally evaporates, it will be straight to serfdom once again. The government is fucked because 1) free market capitalism is above it because the government isn't allowed to regulate it and hence those in control, i.e. the private banks working for THEIR OWN interest, are in control of government (who got Obama elected? Goldman Sachs), and 2) people are fucking idiots are play right into the capitalist hands because they're too retarded to understand their own freedom – free market capitalism fucks up government and then the idiot people blame government, when government was never able to regulate it the thing wrecking it.

The solution to bad government is not no government but good government. Least of all those fucking IDIOT AMERICANS should be able to be understand that! Ever hear of George Washington shit for brains? Ever hear of the US Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights? That's GOVERNMENT! So the solution to having psychopathic selfish "free-marketers" corrupting government is to just let those people take everything over completely? Like we need our house prices to rise or fall just because some shitheads want to speculate? Like we need food to cost 5 times the cost of production just because some assholes like to speculate on it so that they can skim from the profits?

Look here's what we're doing: My friends and I we've broke the code. We're going to destroy this slavery system. If it isn't slavery to Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah moron humans want then it is slavery to the environment, and if it isn't slavery to the environment then it is slavery to banks that people want, and if it isn't slavery to banks people want then apparently they just want to live in anarchy with the psychopaths free to reign. Republic government was and is instituted to protect the people from the psychopathic elite, and now we've come full circle with people begging to have the psychopathic elite take control over everything. How can you be so stupid? How can you be so stupid as to think that "no government" means you'll be free? Government DEFINES rights. Your rights COME FROM the government. There's no such thing as "God given rights" because there is no God that bestows rights. Animals in nature have no rights amongst each other, so where's God giving them their rights? Society DEFINES rights, a society of men and women who desire certain rights and freedoms or lack thereof establish those rights in a Government. The idea is to institute rights that protect the masses from the psychopathic rich, just as they thought up in ancient Greece. People thought it up again in the US, and the US was supposed to have a national bank controlled by the government and hence the people to issue a currency and further funding for national infrastructure. This national bank was soon destroyed by the British Capitalists to install their own private system, and hence the US government lost control of its power over the currency, and hence over the nation because as a Rothschild said: "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not for their laws." So now these people are using government to ruin government but the people are too stupid to realize it. It all originates back to Britain's control over America, once again.

For all the "God given rights" you idiots think you have, those who WISH to rule have one greater right: the right of force. You think you can just say "I have a God given right not to be forced controlled or enslaved by you"? BULLSHIT. Those who wish to rule you HAVE THE RIGHT to force you to obey! Free will is an absolute right and in an anarchy those who wish to rule WILL rule you, whether you like it or not, because they have the right of force. Oh sure you can say "no they don't". Well FUCK YOU...they believe THEY DO, and all they have to do is the simplest thing in human existence – to claim and utilize the right of force, for their own interests. And so, a society of learned men and women create a government, a state, to protect themselves from those who would use force to rule. They create a greater force in the form of a national government.

How many of the conspiracy theorist libertarian idiots are aware of the Federal Reserve and who's behind it? All of them are aware of it. So instead of wanting to get rid of it and return the currency back to the US government and hence to their own control of the people, they want to get rid of government! Well you're still going to need currency after the government goes away, and who's going to provide the currency? THINK ABOUT IT IDIOTS!

So look we're leaving stupid people behind. You either do some reading and get educated on reality, start caring for each other and desiring a more equitable system where reason is in control rather than absolute selfish desire as it is with capitalism, start thinking of a more social system in which government benefits everybody except for the greedy selfish and antisocial psychopathic, start thinking of projects humanity can collectively engage in to produce a Utopia on this planet, or you'll be left behind to be free to have your psychopathically selfish capitalist masters enslave you. You don't win this game by being greedy. You win it by working together. You can claim all you want that you have intrinsic "God given rights", but those who wish to rule for their own benefit, such as the free market capitalists, also claim the right and freedom to murder you.

Han legger i hvertfall ikke mye imellom. Det får meg til å føle meg både forsiktig og snill. Ikke desto mindre er det enkelt å forstå årsaken til utbruddet. Jeg har det selv. Hver dag. I tankene.

Are you so fucking stupid? Are you people such fucking retards? You want banks in control you fucking dipshits? You want private capitalist banks and Wall Street in control of your freedom you fucking morons?
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Dette sier vel det meste om hva slags "mennesker" det er som leder de største selskapene:

SitatExxon CEO: Don't frack in my backyard

The CEO of ExxonMobil – the top producer of natural gas in the US – has joined a lawsuit that challenges the construction of a water tower connected to hydraulic fracturing operations near his Texas home, given that it may reduce the property value.

CEO Rex Tillerson and other plaintiffs claim the hydraulic fracturing – or fracking – project will cause unwanted noise and traffic associated with trucking water from the 160-foot tower to the drilling site, The Wall Street Journal reported. [...]

Denne Tillerson lever nok ikke etter Arnulf Øverlands ord: «Du må ikke tåle så inderlig vel den urett som ikke rammer deg selv»
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Denne er jo litt tankevekkende. De fleste kjenner jo brettspillet "Monopol":

Spillets regler er å finne her:
Official Monopoly® Game Rules

Som alle vet er banken i Monopol ganske sentral, rene sentralbanken faktisk. Reglene sier om banken:

... The Bank collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest, and the price of all properties which it sells and auctions. The Bank "never goes broke". If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much as needed by writing on any ordinary paper.

Er Monopol en modell av virkeligheten, eller er det kanskje omvendt?
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Tidligere i mitt liv spilte jeg litt Monopol. Den gangen var det bare et spill, men det er jo lett i etterkant å se hvordan et slikt spill fremkaller ønsker om penger og makt ;)

Her er litt historie:
History of the board game Monopoly
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på februar 18, 2014, 23:40:42 PM
Hmmmm.... den listen begynner å bli urovekkende lang!

SitatJames Stuart Jr., prominent Lincoln banker, found dead

A successful Lincoln businessman and member of a prominent local family died last week. Former National Bank of Commerce CEO James Stuart Jr. was found dead in Scottsdale, Ariz., the morning of Feb. 19.

A family spokesman did not say what caused the death. A Scottsdale, Ariz., police spokesperson could not be reached over the weekend.

Stuart was a native of Lincoln and graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a degree in Business Administration.

In 1969, Stuart joined Citibank in New York City and served as a loan officer until 1973, when he joined First Commerce Bancshares (then NBC Co.) as executive vice president. He was named president in 1976, chairman and CEO in 1978, and also became chairman and CEO of National Bank of Commerce in 1985. Stuart spent his life building the organization into an important business voice in Lincoln, friend and colleague Brad Korell said

Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Svenske professorer mener forskning er middelmådig. 

Montro om dette også gjelder noen klima- og hav-forskningsinstitutter?

"IPCC is a four letter word."


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på desember 27, 2013, 11:26:36 AM
Hvorfor krigen mot Bitcoin vil føres med alle midler:

SitatSeks ting som kan skje i 2014

Opec priser oljen i bitcoin

MarketWatch.com peker på at oljen i flere titalls år har vært priset i dollar, men at sentrale medlemsland som Iran, Algerie og Angola ikke er spesielt vennlig innstilt til USA.

Det har vært snakk om å endre prisingen, men man har aldri klart å komme til en enighet om noe reelt alternativ.

Euroen var lenge en het kandidat, før den begynte å implodere. Nå lanserer nettstedet Bitcoins som en mulig arvtager.
Årsaken skal være at Bitcoins er en global valuta, det er ikke underlagt noen sentralbank, og det kan vise seg å være god butikk for land som vet at deres olje ikke vil være evig.

Noe slikt ville markere det endelige punktum for USAs dominerende stilling i verden. Krigene i Irak, Afghanistan, Libya mm. hadde ikke funnet sted uavhengig av dette spørsmålet.

Nå har muligens dagen kommet da man stiller spørsmålet: Tapte Bitcoin slaget - eller var det hele tiden bare enda et "Ponzi scheme"? Ikke vet jeg, men tiden vil vel vise hva som skjer.

Mike Adams i Natural News advarte mot Bitcoins for snart et år siden, da han bl.a. skrev:
SitatThe bitcoin infrastructure is subject to the whims of just one person running MTGox who can arbitrarily decide to shut it down whenever he thinks the market needs a "cooling period." This is nearly equivalent to a financial dictatorship where one person calls the shots.

I dag skriver han:
SitatJust two days ago, the largest bitcoin exchange MTGox suddenly and without warning shuttered its doors, blocking all customers from accessing their accounts which are collectively worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Les resten av artikkelen HER.
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Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Stygge ting skjer i spillet om Ukraina

Det sedvanlige taskenspillet dundrer videre, nå i øket tempo. American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) og Israel har kjøpt alle nødvendige kongressmedlemmer i USA, og da en av deres organisasjoner (EU) ikke nådde fram med sitt mer enn ulne forsøk på å kjøpe Ukraina, og president Viktor Yanukovich gjennom en slags del-avtale, valgte han heller Putins og Russlands tilbud om gjeldssanering av 15 milliarder Euro, og lovnad om økonomisk gunstige gass-avtaler, valgte sionist-oligarkene å starte nok en revolusjon.

Først et forord i artikkelen fra Veterans Today, deretter noen utdrag fra selve artikkelen.


SitatThe Rape of Ukraine – Phase Two Begins
... by  F. William Engdahl,   27 February 2014

[Editors Note: Mr. Engdahl brings us a timely and background filled article on the fast moving target that the Ukraine story has become.

Corporate media has been in the bag all the way on this one, hiding all the relationships they don't want us to see, and then putting out reams of Russia bashing propaganda to flea train us to respond accordingly.

It may be time for us to require all mass media to have to disclose on their main stories what major Intel agency has asked them to push a particular story line. Those who don't know the Mossad assets operating right out of their editorial offices, like in Canada, we will be happy to point out a few to them, like the big one in Toronto.

Meet a new Amerian ally

You will read below that this subversion of the Ukraine has been many years in the making, and with some very slimy people involved. And Obama has some explaining to do as to why he has taken over the Bush (43) NeoCon coup offensive foreign policy attacks on these countries.

This is a campaign that the American people have been hoodwinked on. We find the same Congressional people involved who always rubber stamp AIPAC proposals, and we find pro-Israeli Jewish State Department people always showing up in the key positions creating mayhem which is at the top of the Likud Parties 'to do' list.

And yes, AIPAC does moonlight to help cover expenses by running a 'Rent-a-Congressman' operation...the 'anything goes' kind. Check the itinerary of shills like Senator John McQaeda and you will have a good example to follow.

A career analysis of many of these top State Dept. people shows the typical deep infiltration background grooming done during the Cold War, top schooling, Intel teams working on thesis work, mentoring, and ghost writing books for them, and rigged top scholarship 'awards'.

All this 'prep work' sets them up for top government interning slots, and then out to some think tank resume polishing, where media friends build up recognition for them as up and coming talent.

But it is all an Intel operation to move them into a key slot during an administration turnover.

'Marching for _______?"

Democrat or Republican makes no difference as there are separate bull pens for each. When one party is out of power, these folks just retreat to their think tank safe-havens to wait for the next turnover.

If you think our government belongs to you, then you are sleep-walking. It doesn't, and everyone in Congress knows it. They are all play acting, but we don't have to play along... Jim W. Dean ]


The events in Ukraine since November 2013 are so astonishing as almost to defy belief. An legitimately-elected (said by all international monitors) Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, has been driven from office, forced to flee as a war criminal after more than three months of violent protest and terrorist killings by so-called opposition.

Russsians will no longer be reactive, but proactive

His "crime" according to protest leaders was that he rejected an EU offer of a vaguely-defined associate EU membership that offered little to Ukraine in favor of a concrete deal with Russia that gave immediate €15 billion debt relief and a huge reduction in Russian gas import prices. Washington at that point went into high gear and the result today is catastrophe.

A secretive neo-nazi military organization reported linked to NATO played a decisive role in targeted sniper attacks and violence that led to the collapse of the elected government. But the West is not finished with destroying Ukraine. Now comes the IMF with severe conditionalities as prerequisite to any Western financial help.

After the famous leaked phone call of US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland with the US Ambassador in Kiev, where she discussed the details of who she wanted in a new coalition government in Kiev, and where she rejected the EU solutions with her "Fuck the EU" comment,i the EU went it alone.

Once again we find the heavily infiltrated US State Dept having
pro Israeli assets involved in regime change operations.


Snipers began shooting into the crowd on February 22 in Maidan or Independence Square. Panic ensued and riot police retreated in panic according to eyewitnesses. The opposition leader Vitali Klitschko withdrew from the deal, no reason given. Yanukovich fled Kiev.

SitatThe question unanswered until now is who deployed the snipers? According to veteran US intelligence sources, the snipers came from an ultra-right-wing military organization known as Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO).

The leader of UNA-UNSO, Andriy Shkil, ten years ago became an adviser to Julia Tymoshenko. UNA-UNSO, during the US-instigated 2003-4 "Orange Revolution," backed pro-NATO candidate Viktor Yushchenko against his pro-Russian opponent, Yanukovich.

UNA-UNSO members provided security for the supporters of Yushchenko and Julia Tymoshenko on Independence Square in Kiev in 2003-4.iv

UNA-UNSO is also reported to have close ties to the German National Democratic Party (NDP). v

Ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the crack-para-military UNA-UNSO members have been behind every revolt against Russian influence. The one connecting thread in their violent campaigns is always anti-Russia. The organization, according to veteran US intelligence sources, is part of a secret NATO "Gladio" organization, and not a Ukraine nationalist group as portrayed in western media.


Resten kan dere lese hvis dere klikker på linken over. Avslutningen om en hemmelig NATO Gladio-organisasjon, kan tyde på at Vestens e-tjenester og Stay Behind-gruppene aldri avsluttet den kalde krigen. Er det for mye penger å tjene på å opprettholde et trusselbilde? Hva er i så fall bedre for disse neo-konservative, Rothschild-kapitalistisk-kommunistisk-sionistiske khazarkreftene enn å skape både trusler og løsninger selv? Og glem ikke gass- og oljeproblematikken i denne saken.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
Vladimir Lenin
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Klitschko-E-Mail: Forråde sitt folk og land for mammon

E-mail i linken er på engelsk.
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Takk for den, Spiren :)

Her er kopi av de brevene som omtales:

27.11.13: Thanks from Kiev

12.07.13: Vitali to Laurynas

14.12.13: From Kiev

09.01.14: It's time to act

Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Her er Vitali fra korrespondansen. Vitali Klitschko, rett før VM-kampen i tungvekt mot Lennox Lewis måtte stoppes på grunn av ukrainerens kutt ved venstre øye:

Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Sitat fra: Jostemikk på februar 28, 2014, 11:21:31 AM
Stygge ting skjer i spillet om Ukraina
SitatA career analysis of many of these top State Dept. people shows the typical deep infiltration background grooming done during the Cold War, top schooling, Intel teams working on thesis work, mentoring, and ghost writing books for them, and rigged top scholarship 'awards'.

All this 'prep work' sets them up for top government interning slots, and then out to some think tank resume polishing, where media friends build up recognition for them as up and coming talent.

But it is all an Intel operation to move them into a key slot during an administration turnover.

Dette skjer ikke bare direkte innenfor politikk, noe jeg fant ut da jeg søkte rundt hvordan de kommende lederne innen FN-systemet ble utdannet. De blir skreddersydd til sine jobber gjennom forskjellige kurs og tenke-tanker, etter først å ha blitt nøye utplukket.

Takk for at du la ut klipp fra denne artikkelen! Jeg følger litt med på Dagsavisen Nye Meninger der det skrives mye seriøst om hva som skjer i Ukraina. Jeg følger også med på http://www.globalresearch.ca/
Norske MSM har jeg gitt opp - der er det ikke mye informasjon å få, bare propaganda.

Denne saken opptar mange, - og det bør den sannelig gjøre! Dette er den mest farlige situasjonen vi har sett på lenge - og den er nøye planlagt og satt i verk! Når skal verdens befolkning si at nok er nok og få fjernet disse sinnssyke "menneskene"? Disse monstrene er ikke slik som vi vanlige folk. De er så helt annerledes at det synes å være vanskelig å fatte for de fleste.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Som et apropos til det som nå skjer i Ukraina.

I 1991 besøkte jeg Litauen som medlem av en gruppe, der de yngre medlemmene deltok i det baltiske mesterskapet i ridning. Gruppen ble ledet av Ingvald Godal, som satt på Stortinget (for Høyre) og var medlem av Den utvidede utenriks- og konstitusjonskomiteen. Dette var på sensommeren (sannsyligvis august), og det var ganske mye kaos om hvem som styrte Estland da Estonia (fergen som senere sank) la til i Tallinn. De ville ikke slippe oss inn. Men det tok ikke lang tid før en representant for Estlands nyetablerte utenriksdepartement var på plass og ordnet opp.

Noe av det første vi gjorde, var å besøke parlamentet i Vilnius, der vi også ble vist taket av bygningen, der blodet etter den siste drepte soldaten knapt hadde tørket. Mens vi var var i annen etasje fikk vi beskjed om å bli værende en stund. Grunnen var at USAs utenriksminister Baker med følge akkurat kom inn i bygningen, vi kunne se rett ned på dem fra vinduet. Ja, de politiske interessene var raskt på plass. Godal hadde mange politiske møter i Vilnius, og også i Riga på veien hjem. Den gangen tenkte jeg ikke så mye over det, for jeg var ikke klar over hvor komplisert verden og politikken egentlig er. Ja, makt er viktig for de som lever av og for makt. Og Norge er nok langt fra et uskyldig land i mye av det som skjer.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.