Dr. Tim Ball om klima og desinformasjon

Startet av Amatør1, november 11, 2013, 18:09:13 PM

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Jeg anbefaler denne presntasjonen med Tim Ball, der han snakker både om selve vitenskapen og desinformasjonen som råder.

SitatIn this episode of Freedom Free For All Dr. Tim Ball shares his life-long experience surrounding the continuous misinformation trail of climate change and 'global warming'. Dr Tim Ball's presentation focuses on the factual science that is omitted by the politicians and academia who profit from the propaganda of man made global warming.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Jeg vil anbefale foredraget til Tim Ball (over). Det tar noen tid før det kommer ordentlig igang, men det er et veldig godt foredrag.

Og så kan jeg supplere med et Postma-sitat

Sitat fra: http://climateofsophistry.com/2013/11/11/the-first-and-second-law-of-thermodynamics-debunk-the-greenhouse-effect/The only place the supposed radiative greenhouse mechanics exists is within climate alarm – it exists nowhere else in all of industry and all of science and all of physics, etc.  It should exist everywhere else because as a basic principle of physics, it has to be universal, and it has to be applicable anywhere else that similar situations exist.  Alas, it is nowhere else to be found.  It should be seen in a real greenhouse of all places for goodness' sake!  But the radiative greenhouse effect isn't even found there.  Only the real greenhouse effect is found in a real greenhouse.

There literally exists no empirical evidence for the atmospheric radiative greenhouse effect version anywhere.  Tests that have been performed to empirically demonstrate it have always and consistently failed to find it, among both critics of the atmospheric radiative greenhouse effect and its supporters.  Real physical greenhouses exist; the idea of a radiative atmospheric greenhouse effect is a fiction which hijacks the name of the real thing in a real greenhouse.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Tim Ball har gjort mye for å avsløre mytene om menneskeskapte klimaendringer. På hovedsiden, http://klimaforskning.com/ er det på venstre side linker til forskjellige videoer i forbindelse med klimaforskning og ting knyttet til denne forskningen. Tim Balls video ligger på toppen av den første listen (Klimavideoer). Dersom noen vet om gode videoer som bør inn på den listen, takker jeg for opplysninger.

WUWT har nå tatt inn en artikkel av Tim Ball, og den er absolutt verdt å lese.

Why and How the IPCC Demonized CO2 with Manufactured Information

Den første kommentaren sier mye:

SitatFerdinand (@StFerdinandIII) says:
November 13, 2013 at 6:46 pm
Great article on the orwellian rewriting of science and CO2. We do live in a dark age of superstition and ignorance. Where stupid now means science (see evolution).

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