Gode kommentarer fra klimadebatter

Startet av Bebben, august 18, 2011, 01:36:41 AM

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Sitat fra: stjakobs på mai 01, 2012, 14:40:04 PM
Har dere fremdeles ikke oppdaget hoveddrivkraften bak de globale temperaturendringene? JoNova hadde da en helt grei fremstilling av dette. Frimerkeprisene i USA (muligens inflasjonen) driver den globale temperaturen! Vi må snarest alarmere CICERO og Bjerknessentret!

Link: http://joannenova.com.au/2009/05/shock-global-temperatures-driven-by-us-postal-charges/

Frimerker er noen sleipe jævler. Henger sammen som erteris, og forlanger å bli slikket oppetter ryggen. Skulle ikke forundre meg om de kan være klimadrivere også.


Det finnes åpenbart flere måte å si "han kunne like gjerne ha holdt kjeft" på.

Lubos Motl har en både artig og interessant post som handler om en annen professor som blogger om BEST og Muller (Han De Vet i Klimarørsla). Lubos er åpenbart ikke spesielt imponert over Prof Matt Strassler:

SitatIf I were as ignorant about this scientific discipline as Prof Matt Strassler and if my judgments were similarly reduced to irrational impressions and attempts to selectively delay the realization of the truth that is motivated emotionally and ideologically, I would be much more successful than Prof Matt Strassler in my efforts to use the opportunity to remain silent.

Det går rykter om at Prof Strassler har norske ideologiske slektninger....  :D

Men Lubos' post er lesverdig langt utover dette, for min egen del fant jeg hans resonnement over "ukontrollerte eksperimenter" svært tankevekkende.

Prof Strassler gjengir det ikke ukjente argumentet om at

SitatWhat we are doing, folks, in dumping all of this carbon dioxide into our atmosphere is an uncontrolled and difficult-to-reverse scientific experiment on our planet... the only one we've got.


SitatWe are producing carbon dioxide; our biological ancestors have been doing the same thing for billions of years. This uncontrollable experiment is called "life". It's a part of a broader uncontrollable experiment that started 13.7 billion years ago which may be called "the life of the Cosmos".

The giant uncontrollable experiment "the life of the Cosmos" has had (and still has) many equally uncontrollable sub-experiments that are called "life on Earth", "animal life", "life of mammals", "life of primates", "human civilization", "industry powered by the fossil fuels", and others. Those persistent uncontrollable experiments were occasionally interrupted and interpolated by shorter events such as the great oxygenation event 2.4 billion years ago. I emphasize that all of these experiments, processes, and events are fundamentally uncontrollable. The evolution in all these experiments depends on huge amounts of factors and no single agent can be sure about the future outcomes – and, even more obviously, no single agent can "control" what the outcomes of the global experiments will be (even though "ambitious" people such as Mr Adolf Hitler and Mr Ioseb Jughashvili have unsuccessfully tried the same thing that Prof Matt Strassler proposes as well, namely to control the world).

(Mine uthevinger.)

Innlegget er en definitiv "read the whole thing", som det heiter på ny norsk.
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Sitat fra: Bebben på august 01, 2012, 01:02:07 AM

Det går rykter om at Prof Strassler har norske ideologiske slektninger....  :D

Nytt uttrykk:

Det strassler seg til.   8)


I en diskusjon på Bishop Hill om å stole på ekspertene (eller ikke), dukker det plutselig opp en stemme fra Norge:

SitatAbout being "a voice in the wilderness": There is a lot of life in the wilderness, and I think it is unduly pessimistic to dwell on the slow process of getting a rational message accepted by the MSM and politicians.

To me as a non-climatologist (but merited scientist and science policy administrator), the wilderness voices have helped fostering critical thinking about IPCC and its followers (not to say fellow travellers).

Sad that normal self- and cross-criticism has been relegated from the normal scince community to the blogosphere, but more and more of my colleagues have discovered this, and a growing scepticism of the official and poltically sanctioned truths seems to have increased momentum. .

Keep up the good work, there are a lot of reasons for optimism.

Aug 1, 2012 at 8:31 AM | Trygve Eklund

(Min utheving.)

Tipper at det er denne Eklund som snakker.

Godt å se at det finnes tegn til selvstendig intelligent liv også i G(n)ore.
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Godt fanget opp, Bebben, og veldig interessant!
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Sitat fra: Bebben på august 01, 2012, 11:22:15 AM
I en diskusjon på Bishop Hill om å stole på ekspertene (eller ikke), dukker det plutselig opp en stemme fra Norge:

SitatAbout being "a voice in the wilderness": There is a lot of life in the wilderness, and I think it is unduly pessimistic to dwell on the slow process of getting a rational message accepted by the MSM and politicians.

To me as a non-climatologist (but merited scientist and science policy administrator), the wilderness voices have helped fostering critical thinking about IPCC and its followers (not to say fellow travellers).

Sad that normal self- and cross-criticism has been relegated from the normal scince community to the blogosphere, but more and more of my colleagues have discovered this, and a growing scepticism of the official and poltically sanctioned truths seems to have increased momentum. .

Keep up the good work, there are a lot of reasons for optimism.

Aug 1, 2012 at 8:31 AM | Trygve Eklund

(Min utheving.)

Tipper at det er denne Eklund som snakker.

Godt å se at det finnes tegn til selvstendig intelligent liv også i G(n)ore.

Jorda, det er han. Vi hadde mange stimulerende diskusjoner i kantina. Han har fått mye info i de siste årene, mulig litt mindre etter hvert. Dette er en glimrende mulighet til å sende en invitasjon om forumet vårt. Han er en enorm bokorm, og skribent.   :)


Trygve Eklund vil være enda et friskt tilskudd på forumet her!
It's the sun, stupid!


Steve McIntyre skal til London førstkommende 10.08.12 og holde et foredrag.

Han forteller om dette på bloggen sin ClimateAudit.

SitatI'm going to be talking about events over the past year, but will mostly be talking about the increased emphasis by the climate "community" on Climate Extremes, paying particular attention to the IPCC Special Report on Extremes (SREX) published in March, which was the basis of WG2 Co-Chair Christopher Field's recent testimony to Congress.

These leads into tornados, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, heat waves and droughts, the latter two very topical from this year's very hot North American summer. (Climate, of course, is not about the weather, except when it's about the weather.)
(Min utheving.)

Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Claes Johnson siterer definisjon av drivhuseffekten:

SitatIf you wonder what "the greenhouse effect" is, you can ponder one of the most common definitions:

The greenhouse effect is what keeps the Earth warmer than it would otherwise be (without the effect).

Tankevekkende .... eller sikkert "artig, i grunnen".   :D

Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Sitat fra: Bebben på mai 24, 2013, 01:29:32 AM
Claes Johnson siterer definisjon av drivhuseffekten:

SitatIf you wonder what "the greenhouse effect" is, you can ponder one of the most common definitions:

The greenhouse effect is what keeps the Earth warmer than it would otherwise be (without the effect).

Tankevekkende .... eller sikkert "artig, i grunnen".   :D

Det er jo forsåvidt kompatibelt med alt, innkludert sannheten....
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Jeg tenkte dette var nye toner fra Aftenposten om den australske forskningen

- Lewandowski så tynn at beina kunne knekke

... men der tok jeg feil, gitt.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


When asked, 97% said they followed each other. 3% are still looking for the truth and one day, 1 will find it.


Takk til ssat Sep 21, 2013 at 12:16 PM på Bishop Hill
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to