4092.txt CRU + Goldman-Sachs = strategisk allianse

Startet av Amatør1, november 24, 2011, 22:41:30 PM

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Det er åpenbart endel du skal lese før øynene detter ut. I 4092.txt står det svart på hvitt at Goldman Sachs ønsket å inngå en strategisk allianse med CRU med tanke på 'energy futures' !!

Se dette i sammenheng med CRU sin aktivisme med målsetting å radikalisere FNs klimapolitikk.


Sitatdate: Mon, 18 May 1998 10:00:38 +0100
from: Trevor Davies <t.d.davies@uea.ac.uk>
subject: goldman-sachs
to: j.palutikof@uea,p.jones@uea,m.hulme@uea


We (Mike H) have done a modest amount of work on degree-days for G-S. They
now want to extend this. They are involved in dealing in the developing
energy futures market.

G-S is the sort of company that we might be looking for a 'strategic
alliance' with. I suggest the four of us meet with ?? (forgotten his name)
for an hour on the afternoon of Friday 12 June (best guess for Phil & Jean
- he needs a date from us). Thanks.


Professor Trevor D. Davies
Climatic Research Unit
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

Tel.  +44 1603 592721
Fax.  +44 1603 507784

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