The Eagle has crash landed

Startet av Amatør1, oktober 20, 2011, 19:59:12 PM

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Jeg mener nå fortsatt at tynn luft er overpriset, og ville ha satset på salgsopsjoner.
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Denne er jo ganske fin, fra The Wall Street Journal

The Great Global Warming Fizzle
The climate religion fades in spasms of anger and twitches of boredom.

SitatConsider the case of global warming, another system of doomsaying prophecy and faith in things unseen.

As with religion, it is presided over by a caste of spectacularly unattractive people pretending to an obscure form of knowledge that promises to make the seas retreat and the winds abate. As with religion, it comes with an elaborate list of virtues, vices and indulgences. As with religion, its claims are often non-falsifiable, hence the convenience of the term "climate change" when thermometers don't oblige the expected trend lines. As with religion, it is harsh toward skeptics, heretics and other "deniers." And as with religion, it is susceptible to the earthly temptations of money, power, politics, arrogance and deceit.

This week, the conclave of global warming's cardinals are meeting in Durban, South Africa, for their 17th conference in as many years. The idea is to come up with a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, which is set to expire next year, and to require rich countries to pony up $100 billion a year to help poor countries cope with the alleged effects of climate change. This is said to be essential because in 2017 global warming becomes "catastrophic and irreversible," according to a recent report by the International Energy Agency.

Yet a funny thing happened on the way to the climate apocalypse. Namely, the financial apocalypse.

The U.S., Russia, Japan, Canada and the EU have all but confirmed they won't be signing on to a new Kyoto. The Chinese and Indians won't make a move unless the West does. The notion that rich (or formerly rich) countries are going to ship $100 billion every year to the Micronesias of the world is risible, especially after they've spent it all on Greece.

Cap and trade is a dead letter in the U.S. Even Europe is having second thoughts about carbon-reduction targets that are decimating the continent's heavy industries and cost an estimated $67 billion a year. "Green" technologies have all proved expensive, environmentally hazardous and wildly unpopular duds.

All this has been enough to put the Durban political agenda on hold for the time being. But religions don't die, and often thrive, when put to the political sidelines. A religion, when not physically extinguished, only dies when it loses faith in itself.

That's where the Climategate emails come in


Les resten via linken øverst!
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Dette med religion og AGW har blitt fleipet mye med, men det er all grunn til å tro at det stemmer. Dumskallen la ut en link på VGD i dag (takk!). Han la den nok egentlig ut i et forsøk på å drite ut skeptikere og legge koplinger til ABB. Men takket være den linken, fant jeg et dokument, IISD Commentary: The UNEP That We Want

På side 4 nevnes religion:

SitatThe environment should compete with religion as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity. To do that, however, it will have to make itself relevant well beyond the world of those already concerned with the environment, including very prominently its own formal constituency. Indeed, unless UNEP succeeds in recasting the debate, it is highly likely that the economic community will do it—badly, and on its own terms. It is already happening in the field of climate change.

Jeg har bare lest noe i dette dokumentet, men det virker som det kan være vel verdt å lese og er bare på 6 sider. Det lå enda flere linker på thinkprogress-siden.

Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på november 30, 2011, 16:47:57 PM
Denne er jo ganske fin, fra The Wall Street Journal

The Great Global Warming Fizzle
The climate religion fades in spasms of anger and twitches of boredom.

Synes det siste avsnittet, som delvis er referert over, er ganske beskrivende:

And there is this: Religions are sustained in the long run by the consolations of their teachings and the charisma of their leaders. With global warming, we have a religion whose leaders are prone to spasms of anger and whose followers are beginning to twitch with boredom. Perhaps that's another way religions die.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.