Internasjonalt om AR5

Startet av Amatør1, september 27, 2013, 20:50:32 PM

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Tele startet den meget betimelige tråden om Norges rolle i AR5
Norge i AR5: Ikke kritisk vitenskap, men arenapolitikk og faglig opportunisme?

AR5 [mis]brukes jo av politikere internasjonalt, og vi trenger derfor også kanskje et sted å samle opp dette. Så denne tråden er derfor dedikert til AR5-relatert stoff som ikke går på Norges rolle (Bruk Teles tråd til det).

Vi kan jo begynne med USAs utenriksminister som nå regelrett truer folk med andre synspunktter på pseudovitenskapen i AR5:
– De som benekter vitenskapen, eller velger å unnskylde seg framfor å handle - de leker med ilden.

Hva er det han prøver å si med slike truende ord? Kommer skeptikere som oss til å bli drone-bombet eller noe?
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Imponerende av Kerry å si at "vitenskapen er tydeligere og mer overbevisende enn før".

Hvordan har han både lest og fordøyd den vitenskapelige rapporten før den er tilgjengelig? Han har vel knapt rukket å lese den politiske delen?

Men OK, når jeg tenker over det så fortalte jo Pachauri allerede for 5-6 år siden hva konklusjonene i denne rapporten skulle være, lenge før den vitenskapen som skulle bekrefte dem var publisert.
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Sitat fra: Bebben på september 27, 2013, 22:20:42 PM
Imponerende av Kerry å si at "vitenskapen er tydeligere og mer overbevisende enn før".

Hvordan har han både lest og fordøyd den vitenskapelige rapporten før den er tilgjengelig? Han har vel knapt rukket å lese den politiske delen?

Men OK, når jeg tenker over det så fortalte jo Pachauri allerede for 5-6 år siden hva konklusjonene i denne rapporten skulle være, lenge før den vitenskapen som skulle bekrefte dem var publisert.

Det er vel ingen som mistenker Kerry for å være det aller minste interessert i klimadebatten. Det disse autoritære gjør er å gripe enhver anledning til å skremme vanlige folk til taushet.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Tyskland ser ut til å ha lignende AR5-tilstander i media som vi har her hjemme, om vi skal tro Pierre Gosselin, fra

SitatUN IPCC Exhumes, Brings Climate Catastrophe Back From The Grave...Politicians, Activists Dancing Like It's 2007!

Today the German and international media, politicians and activists are all in a celebratory mood - the climate catastrophe is back after all. It's real and approaching faster than ever. The UN just certified it! Climate activists are in a state of euphoria again – they're out dancing in the streets – there hasn't been such a feeling since 2007. It's climate Oktoberfest for the alarmists.


Let the alarmists have their day. In the end we all know it isn't going to last long at all. You can dig up a corpse, clean it up, dress it, and parade it through town claiming it's alive. But in reality it's a lifeless, rotting and ghoulish cadaver, and it's not ever going to be coming back to life.

AR5 is the IPCC's Order of AGW Exhumation. The alarmists are now parading the corpse, pretending it's alive and in ruddy health.

But AGW science is dead, and has been so 15 years. It's not taking a nap, it's not passed out, it's not even breathing. It's long deceased. The UN IPCC and climate activists refuse to come to terms with that.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Flott du startet denne, Amatør1. Skal få overført utenlandsavdelingen jeg flyttet inn i den andre tråden med. :D
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Sitat fra: Jostemikk på september 27, 2013, 22:37:06 PM
Flott du startet denne, Amatør1. Skal få overført utenlandsavdelingen jeg flyttet inn i den andre tråden med. :D

Flott!   :D

Se hvordan folk rapporterer [manglende] interesse for AR5 på BBC's sider:

SitatFra WUWT:  M Courtney says September 27, 2013 at 5:19 am

I looked at the BBC News website for their post Most Popular news stories at 13:13 today.
The end of the world was only number 6.

1: Kanye West angry at Radio 1 parody
2: Goodbye, US passport
3: Two plead not guilty to Rigby murder
4: The man who may have saved the world
5: Cameron says no to Salmond TV debate
6: Global warming now 'unequivocal'
7: Spain to consider time zone change
8: Quiz of the week's news
9: Is Breaking Bad's Walter White one of TV's truly evil characters?
10: New Syria chemical attacks probed

No-one cares anymore...
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Global Warming Slowdown Seen as Emissions Rise to Record

Global warming has slowed since 1998 as pollution reached a record and the threat of rising oceans increased, a United Nations panel said in a report that hardened attitudes on both sides of the climate debate.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said the temperature has been increasing at less than half the longer-term average since 1951.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


IPCC har samme problem som CICERO i Norge, de har en formålsparagraf som dikterer at de skal vurdere "information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change".

Med andre ord, det er et premiss og ikke et resultat av IPCCs virksomhet at de er så fokusert på "human-induced climate change". De er rett og slett satt opp som et politisk redskap på nøyaktig samme måte som CICERO, de skal promotere "faren" for menneskeskapte klimaforandringer, slik at makthavere har noe å true med.



Approved at the Fourteenth Session (Vienna, 1-3 October 1998) on 1 October 1998, amended at
the Twenty-First Session (Vienna, 3 and 6-7 November 2003), the Twenty-Fifth Session
(Mauritius, 26-28 April 2006) and the Thirty
-Fifth Session (Geneva, 6-9 June 2012)

2. The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC reports should be neutral with respect to policy, although they may need to deal objectively with scientific, technical and socio-economic factors relevant to the application of particular policies.

Dette er Lysenkoisme.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Richard North,
Climate change: a political report


Needless to say, in what was now become the typical media manipulation, the actual report is not available until Monday. This means that the message gets the full airing, before anyone has the opportunity to analyse the evidence, thus ensuring that the approved line gets a head start on the opposition - with the willing help of the BBC.

One has to note that, if the authors of the report were confident of their data, they might not need to indulge in such a high degree of media manipulation . But then, the IPPC reports have always been more media events than they have been the exposition of science.

Watts Up With That, however, suggests that the IPCC should have just copied and pasted the AR4 summary onto the AR5 letterhead, and save the world tens of billions of dollars.

In a way, that really sums it up. The document is actually a summary for believers. Those who believe will continue to believe. Those who do not will continue to disbelieve. The two sides are irreconcilable, and there is now no longer any debate. They talk past each other, while the uncommitted look at the contest with a mixture of tedium, indifference and dismay.

What should be noted though, is that the IPCC is, by definition, a propaganda operation. Its self-defined role is, "to assess ... the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation".

The organisation, by its own account, takes as a given the existence of "human-induced climate change" and, therefore, it is entirely unsurprising that it finds: "human influence on climate clear". It could do nothing else.


The only thing, therefore, one needs to say of this AR5 is that it is a political statement by a politically motivated body, made for political reasons. And if you need to know the basis of the politics, start with Rio in 1992 and Agenda 21.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


takk for hele rekken av gode innlegg du har levert i det siste. Syns du er på ballen i flere viktige saker.
Dette gjelder selvsagt flere her inne også, men måtte bare takke deg spesielt denne gangen  8)

Hemningsløs og ensidig kontrollert overdramatisering i dag - manuset utleveres ikke før mandag!
Vi må som kjent vente til mandag før disse manipulatorene slipper selve manuset til det de messet om i dag.
Det er selvsagt helt utrolig- og helt uakseptabelt - at verden finner seg i at de får holde på med sin propaganda på denne måten uten at noen kan gå i dybden og dobbeltsjekke stoffet disse propagandist-sjarlatanene hevder å sitere fra.

Men det skal vel ikke rare spådomsevnene til - og uten den helt store datakraften - å forutsi at når manuset kommer fram på mandag, så vil vi raskt oppdage at policymakerne i dag har dratt materialet langt utenfor akseptabel fortolkning. Som vanlig.

Vitenskapen kan av og til risikere å bli innhentet av sannheten


Sant å si har Steve McIntyre revet rapporten i fillebiter allerede før den kom ut, av den enkle grunn at de umulig kan finne på noe som er holdbart nok til å tilbakevise analysen i hans siste post "To minutter på midnatt". De har nå malt seg inn i et hjørne de ikke kan komme ut av, og har tapt debatten. Men kanskje ikke makten. "Klimakrigen" fortsetter....
Baby, it's getting hot outside! Send for Greenpeace!


Takk skal du ha, Tele! kanskje det er noen lesere her som kan få litt balanse fra MSM.

Du har selvsagt rett i at materialet blir dratt langt forbi det akseptable av IPCC. Faktisk er løgnen så enorm at de rett og slett snur alt på hodet, og sier det stikk motsatte av hva en ærlig forsker ville sagt. Men som før nevnt, dette dreier seg ikke om vitenskap, men politikk bestil til politikere, av politikere.

Om vi skal ta litt vitenskap med, var det ikke slik at AGW skulle gi en "hot spot" i troposfæren? Den har de lett lenge etter uten å finne noe slikt. Men slik jeg forstår det nå, leter de på havets bunn istedet?
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


"IPCC is a four letter word."


2013-løgnene verre enn noensinne: Lord Monckton ser celledøra snart smelle for noen av de verste klimasvindlerne

I en fersk artikkel rett før framleggingen i Stockholm gjennomgår Monckton den stadig mer kriminelle utviklingen i klimasvindlene siden første rapport i 1990 (han hadde tydeligvis ingen illusjoner om hva som ville utspille seg), avslutter han slik:

"When the cell door slams on the first bad scientist, the rest will scuttle for cover. Only then will the climate scare – mankind's strangest and costliest intellectual aberration – be truly over."

Hva er det han viser til som tilsier en slik reaksjon?

Her er noen punkter han peker på, etter først å ha fastslått: "It's official. What I was howled down and banned for telling the recent U.N. climate conference in Doha is true. There has been no global warming for 17 years.":

- The Hadley/CRU temperature record shows no warming for 18 or 19 years.
- RSS satellites show none for 23 years. Not one computer model predicted that.
- In 2008 the modelers wrote that more than 14 years without global warming would indicate a "discrepancy" between their predictions and reality. By their own criterion, they have grossly, persistently, profitably exaggerated manmade warming.
- Warming that was predicted yesterday but has not happened for up to 23 years until today cannot have caused yesterday's "droughts and flooding rains," now, can it?
- The Northern Hemisphere is enduring one of its coldest winters in 100 years. Before the usual suspects try to blame that too on global warming, the IPCC says – unsurprisingly – that warmer weather means less snow.
- Sea-ice extent in the Arctic has reached a record high for this time of year, despite a record low last summer.
- In the Antarctic, sea ice has been increasing for 33 years.
- The IPCC baselessly predicts 3 degrees Celsius manmade warming this century. The warming rate since 1950 has been a third of that. The maximum warming rate over any decade since 1850 was equivalent to less than 2 degrees per century.

Monckton risser så opp noen stikkord for tidligere IPCC-rapporter:

1990/AR1: Grove overdrivelser om framtidig temperaturutvikling nå dokumentert:
In 1990 the first of its five reports said that from then till now the world would warm at 0.3 of a degree Celsius per decade. Outturn: less than half that.

1995/AR2: Opp/ned-snuing på AGW-analysen, skjuling av varm middelalder, osv.
In 1995 the scientists said five times there was no human influence on temperature and they did not know when it would become detectable. IPCC bureaucrats got a single bad scientist – a one-man "consensus" – to rewrite the report to say the flat opposite (dette må det vel være mulig å ta opp igjen og kjøre sak mot?).
That year another bad scientist emailed a colleague: "We have to abolish the medieval warm period." His problem was that the Middle Ages were warmer than now. Today's temperatures are normal.

2001/AR3: Med påfølgende avsløring av hockeykølla og utstrakt datajuks ("Climategate") m.m.
In 2001 the IPCC's "hockey stick" graph duly "abolished" medieval warming. The shank showed little temperature change for 1000 years; the blade showed a sudden spurt in the 20th century, which the IPCC – six times – blamed on us. In 2005 two Canadian scientists proved the graph bogus.

2007/AR4: Løgnen om akselererende (menneskeskapt) varme forsterkes mens observasjoner sier det motsatte
In 2007 the IPCC doctored another graph to pretend manmade warming is accelerating. The Obama administration is using this faked diagram to justify introducing a carbon tax just as the EU/Oz tax collapses.

2013/AR5: Ingen kursendring, tilpasning av gamle feil, faktasvindler og overdrivelser
This year will bring a fifth "Assessment Report." As an expert reviewer I shall try to halt further fraud. It will not be easy. The weevils are at it again. This year's new predictions, backcast eight years to 2005, bizarrely overstate already measured warming and project the exaggerations to 2050, forecasting unrealistically rapid warming.

Dette har fått Monckton til å sjekke hvor grensen går for slik kriminalitet mot offentlighetens dyrt finansierte rett til korrekt informasjon, og fått bl.a. dette svaret:

A senior Australian police officer specializing in organized-crime frauds tells me the pattern of fraud on the part of a handful of climate scientists may yet lead to prosecutions.

Og dermed altså denne konklusjonen, som nevnt innledningsvis:

When the cell door slams on the first bad scientist, the rest will scuttle for cover. Only then will the climate scare – mankind's strangest and costliest intellectual aberration – be truly over.

Vitenskapen kan av og til risikere å bli innhentet av sannheten


Richard Lindzen har uttalt seg:

"I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence.  They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase. ...."
"IPCC is a four letter word."