Internasjonalt om AR5

Startet av Amatør1, september 27, 2013, 20:50:32 PM

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SitatPoor show, sceptics!

The global warming campaign has now reached stage 5 of Langmuir's laws of bad science, though Langmuir's preceding stages have also unquestionably evinced: the temperature changes promoted are very small (less than would be noticed when passing from room to room) while the precision claimed from a ramshackle global monitoring system is nothing less than bizarre. Thus, in accordance with Law 5, the consequent reaction of the believers is to throw more and more red herrings into the murky waters. The error of the sceptics has been to rise naively to the bait every time. The key faults within the global warming scare campaign are thus lost in the noise, hidden in the vast undergrowth of petty side issues of which the geeky debaters on both sides endlessly probe the entrails.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Les om Bishop Hill-kommentatoren "Katabasis" sitt besøk hos The Royal Society:

SitatA report from the Royal

The Royal Society is holding a two-day meeting to discuss the Working Group I report of the IPCC. Reader Katabasis was there and send this report.

Han peker spesielt på tabell 12.4 i utkastet til rapport:

SitatWhat? Yes that's right. The real story may not be in the IPCC rowback on temperature ranges, or its cack-handed "explanations" for the stalling temperatures. It may in fact all be in this table. Be sure to look for yourself. Every single catastrophic scenario bar one has a rating of "Very unlikely" or "Exceptionally unlikely" and/or has "low confidence". The only disaster scenario that the IPCC consider at all likely in the possible lifetimes of many of us alive now is "Disappearance of Arctic summer sea ice", which itself has a 'likely' rating and liable to occur by mid century with medium confidence. As the litany of climate disasters go, that's it.

Det er dette som faktisk står i rapporten. Viderebringer media og alarmister dette på en redelig måte?

Legg også merke til IPCCs definisjon av abrupt
Sitat"Abrupt climate change is defined in AR5 as a large-scale change in the climate system that takes place over a few decades or less, persists (or is anticipated to persist) for at least a few decades, and causes substantial disruptions in human and natural systems."

og irreversible
Sitat"A change is said to be irreversible if the recovery timescale from this state due to natural processes is significantly longer than the time it takes for the system to reach this perturbed state."

Abrupt changes that aren't really abrupt and irreversible changes that aren't really - er - irreversible.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Via "Poor show, Sceptics" kan man finne John Brignells gjennomgang av bakkemålinger vs. satellittmålinger. Han har en veldig grei konklusjon til slutt.

Clearly, global warming is anthropogenic (man-made). It exists mainly in the human mind and is manufactured from two sources – careless data acquisition and dubious data processing.

"IPCC is a four letter word."


Sitat fra: stjakobs på oktober 03, 2013, 12:49:24 PM
Via "Poor show, Sceptics" kan man finne John Brignells gjennomgang av bakkemålinger vs. satellittmålinger. Han har en veldig grei konklusjon til slutt.

Clearly, global warming is anthropogenic (man-made). It exists mainly in the human mind and is manufactured from two sources – careless data acquisition and dubious data processing.



humre, humre, i dag er det visst dagen for de store sitater!  ;)

NB: For de som ikke vet det: er nettstedet som ble berømt for sine talløse linker til avsindige varmist-skremsler i media, etter noen klikk der begynner man virkelig å lure på hvor journalister får sin utdannelse (eller moral?) fra.... 8)

Vitenskapen kan av og til risikere å bli innhentet av sannheten


Prins Charles erklærer at årsaken til krigen i Syria er å finne i "climate change" og bruker den skandaløse AR5-rapporten som sannhetsvitne:

SitatThe heir to the British throne is blaming the Syrian civil war that's claimed more than 100,000 lives on global warming. In remarks to the World Islamic Economic Forum meeting in London this week, Prince Charles described the bloody Syria conflict as a "terrifyingly graphic" example of the negative effects of climate change.

Med slike "ledere" vokser forståelsen for hvordan for eksempel den franske revolusjon i sin tid fant grunn til å løse sitt lederproblem på en permanent måte, for å si det forsiktig.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Kanskje det skyldes generasjoner med innavl? Han tar nok opp arven etter sin far, som også har vært dypt inne i disse tingene (klima, overbefolkning, Club of Rome, WWF, Committee of 300 osv.)
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: seoto på november 03, 2013, 13:35:25 PM
Kanskje det skyldes generasjoner med innavl? Han tar nok opp arven etter sin far, som også har vært dypt inne i disse tingene (klima, overbefolkning, Club of Rome, WWF, Committee of 300 osv.)

Det er nok faren du tenker på  8) . Charles er fortsatt ikke konge, og det er jo like greit. Hans mentale kapasitet er ikke mye å skryte av, det kan såvisst ha den årsaken du nevner  ::) .
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to