Hellas, EU og Euro

Startet av Amatør1, mai 23, 2012, 23:57:13 PM

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EU lancerer PR kampagne.

The European Parliament is to spend almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" with whom to debate in the run-up and during euro-elections next year amid fears that hostility to the EU is growing.

Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på februar 06, 2013, 11:46:18 AM
Sitat fra: ConTrari på februar 06, 2013, 11:21:36 AM
Så blir det spennende å se om britene
1) manner seg opp til en folkeavstemming og 2) om de forlater EU hvis det blir nei til medlemskap, eller som dumskalle sier, om de feiger ut med halen mellom bena. Men en britisk bulldog har vel ikke så mye hale å snakke om.

Det er ingenting å holde avstemning om, med mindre Cameron først leverer en utmelding Ihht. Artikkel 50 i Lisboa-traktaten, og deretter forhandler en avtale om Storbritannias relasjon til EU etter utmeldelsen, f.eks. som et EØS-land ala Norge. Først da vil britene vite hva de stemmer over.

Snakket om avstemning nå, uavhengig av Artikkel 50, er meningsløst, og kun beregnet på å sementere dagens situasjon, mao. et nokså hult spill fra Cameron sin side.

Den eneste andre muligheten er å stemme over hvorvidt man skal levere inn en utmelding ihht. Artikkel 50.

Nettopp, det er dette som er forutsetningen for en avstemming. Etter så mye snakk og skriking, og med et nytt parti som spesifikt jobber for EU-exit, blir det virkelig pinlig for britene dersom de nå ikke kjører denne prosessen.

Og viser verden at de mener noe med sin EU-smerte, eller om det bare er bulldogbjeffing. I så fall blir britene til latter for verden.


Sitat fra: Spiren på februar 06, 2013, 12:56:17 PM
EU lancerer PR kampagne.

The European Parliament is to spend almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" with whom to debate in the run-up and during euro-elections next year amid fears that hostility to the EU is growing.


Dette er newspeak som til forveksling ligner tilstanden i klimadebatten, der det foregår projeksjon. Det de i realiteten sier er at de skal bruke et beløp tilsvarende 2 millioner britiske pund på å finansiere internett-troll som skal ødelegge normal meningsutveksling og umuliggjøre rasjonell debatt.

"Parliament's institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand 'trending topics' and have the capacity to react quickly, in a targeted and relevant manner, to join in and influence the conversation, for example, by providing facts and figures to deconstructing myths."

Det er interessant å erfare at det er offisiell politikk å ansette slike internett-troll. Fenomenet er vi jo meget kjent med både her til lands (ref. VGD og avdøde AD, samt forskning.no og mange andre steder) og i utlandet, men det er første gang jeg har sett at man åpent erkjenner at slik betalt debatt-manipulasjon pågår.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på februar 06, 2013, 20:09:26 PM
Sitat fra: Spiren på februar 06, 2013, 12:56:17 PM
EU lancerer PR kampagne.

The European Parliament is to spend almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" with whom to debate in the run-up and during euro-elections next year amid fears that hostility to the EU is growing.


Dette er newspeak som til forveksling ligner tilstanden i klimadebatten, der det foregår projeksjon. Det de i realiteten sier er at de skal bruke et beløp tilsvarende 2 millioner britiske pund på å finansiere internett-troll som skal ødelegge normal meningsutveksling og umuliggjøre rasjonell debatt.

"Parliament's institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand 'trending topics' and have the capacity to react quickly, in a targeted and relevant manner, to join in and influence the conversation, for example, by providing facts and figures to deconstructing myths."

Det er interessant å erfare at det er offisiell politikk å ansette slike internett-troll. Fenomenet er vi jo meget kjent med både her til lands (ref. VGD og avdøde AD, samt forskning.no og mange andre steder) og i utlandet, men det er første gang jeg har sett at man åpent erkjenner at slik betalt debatt-manipulasjon pågår.

Interessant! Og kanskje spesielt fordi jeg akkurat har lest en tilsvarende side, der det opplyses om det samme i USA. Det er nok ikke bare i klimadebatten det finnes "troll" og det som verre er.

DHS Insider: Obama's cyber warriors & preparing for collapse

SitatAt that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama's circular campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name "Cyber-Warriors for Obama" printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail addresses of 3,575 "cyber assets," or "warriors," listed in alphabetical order under about a dozen or so "team leaders." From a separate sheet I was shown, most of these "assets" are being paid just over minimum wage, but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.

Ingen tvil om at det skal skapes problemer for de som ikke kjøper den såkalte sannheten vi blir tilbudt i MSM!
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: seoto på februar 06, 2013, 20:38:42 PM
Sitat fra: Amatør1 på februar 06, 2013, 20:09:26 PM
Sitat fra: Spiren på februar 06, 2013, 12:56:17 PM
EU lancerer PR kampagne.

The European Parliament is to spend almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" with whom to debate in the run-up and during euro-elections next year amid fears that hostility to the EU is growing.


Dette er newspeak som til forveksling ligner tilstanden i klimadebatten, der det foregår projeksjon. Det de i realiteten sier er at de skal bruke et beløp tilsvarende 2 millioner britiske pund på å finansiere internett-troll som skal ødelegge normal meningsutveksling og umuliggjøre rasjonell debatt.

"Parliament's institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand 'trending topics' and have the capacity to react quickly, in a targeted and relevant manner, to join in and influence the conversation, for example, by providing facts and figures to deconstructing myths."

Det er interessant å erfare at det er offisiell politikk å ansette slike internett-troll. Fenomenet er vi jo meget kjent med både her til lands (ref. VGD og avdøde AD, samt forskning.no og mange andre steder) og i utlandet, men det er første gang jeg har sett at man åpent erkjenner at slik betalt debatt-manipulasjon pågår.

Interessant! Og kanskje spesielt fordi jeg akkurat har lest en tilsvarende side, der det opplyses om det samme i USA. Det er nok ikke bare i klimadebatten det finnes "troll" og det som verre er.

DHS Insider: Obama's cyber warriors & preparing for collapse

SitatAt that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama's circular campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name "Cyber-Warriors for Obama" printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail addresses of 3,575 "cyber assets," or "warriors," listed in alphabetical order under about a dozen or so "team leaders." From a separate sheet I was shown, most of these "assets" are being paid just over minimum wage, but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.

Ingen tvil om at det skal skapes problemer for de som ikke kjøper den såkalte sannheten vi blir tilbudt i MSM!

Dette er årsaken til at jeg har rettet søkelys mot tidligere redaktør i forskning.NO, Erik Tunstad.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Det er av sine egne man skal få det...

Soros: Euro Tension Will Eventually Destroy EU

"Germany needs to realize that the policy it is imposing on the euro area — the austerity program — is counterproductive," the hedge fund legend notes. "It cannot actually succeed."

Germany is unwittingly pushing southern Europe into a "long-lasting depression," he adds. "And it may last more than a decade. In fact, it could become permanent."

Eventually the pain will grow big enough to spark a rebellion, Soros argues. "And that would then be the destruction of the EU, which is a terribly heavy price to maintain to preserve the euro, which is meant to be just a servant of the EU."

Her snakker ikke den gode Soros helt sant. Euroen ble til for å tvinge EUs statdannelse til å realisere seg, for første gang i verdenshistorien (?) har man forsøkt å lage en sentralstyrt superstat ved å innføre felles valuta. Men så enkelt er det ikke, noe vi fortløpende får demonstrert.

Det har av mange blitt sagt at EU er et "fredsprosjekt" (ref. den hellige, allminnelige nobelkomite), men et fredsprosjekt som fører til opprør er kanskje ikke helt troverdig...?
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Spiren på februar 06, 2013, 12:56:17 PM
EU lancerer PR kampagne.

The European Parliament is to spend almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" with whom to debate in the run-up and during euro-elections next year amid fears that hostility to the EU is growing.


Her er mer om akkurat denne saken, via RT.com

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Både underholdende og skremmende sannferdig og tankevekkende lesning om Hellas og EU:

GREECE: From developed to emerging.....
.....how it all turned out in the end.

Et par-tre smakebiter:

"One of the good things about having your economy spiral down the plughole of existence is that, rather than disappear forever into the sewers of depression, it can be transformed into something emerging.....perhaps from the taps of hope, I'm not entirely sure. Either way, this is now the fate of Greece, according to Russell Investments.  Russell advises funds with a grand total of £1.6 trillion in assets, and last week they advised Greece that it has ceased to be First World, and is instead Emerging.


Meanwhile, the Russellometer has been at work during 2012 examining Greece's two risk profiles. We're not told explicitly what they were (although I'd hazard a guess that the euro and austerity are implicated) but Russell bluntly admits that "Greece failed both tests". So as well as emerging backwards after falling into the sewers, Greece was taking its finals. It's tough being Greece.


But the main thing it is still hard for the casual observer to get his head round is what you are if you emerge, having once been developed. The vagueness, it seems to me, lies in the interim bit between the two states of Being. In 1936, Nazi Germany was a developed State led by a lunatic, which was then crushed to a pulp by British, American and Russian forces who'd become a tad concerned about the Fatherland's wanderlust habit. The interim stage was the crushing thing. This is what's missing from the Russell Investments analysis about recent Greek history.


In this cacophony of cultural misunderstanding, what the Greeks didn't grasp was that Germany's new goal was the Germanification of ClubMed Europe. This is of course an utterly unachievable and insane aim: but every time Wolfgang Schäuble opens his mouth, it is tragically obvious that he expects Hellenic citizens to deliver on it.

What's really happened is that Greece has been devoured. The best way to describe the Beast that gobbled it up is 'a deadly, hubris-fuelled triadic cross between Belgian bureaucratic trougher, autistic Prussian invader, and hypocritically needy financier'. This Beast first of all fed its prey on delusions of grandeur – appetisers supplied exclusively by Goldman Sachs – and then ate it, once it had been suitably fattened up. Over the last three years, a digestive process has been taking place, such that what Russell Investments really described last week was the eventual and inevitable production of a turd.

Now however hard you try, there is no way to polish a turd without everyone equipped with a nose saying, "It's a turd". Through its membership of the eurozone – and thanks to minority corruption on a globally industrial scale – Greece has gone from being a european delicacy to being a eurozone turd. That's it."
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


18.11.2011 New york Times

"There is a limited transition period where we have to manage the nervousness on the markets," Mr. Schäuble said. "If it is clear that by the end of 2012 or the middle of 2013 that we have all the ingredients for new, strengthened and deepened political structures together, I think that will work."  >:(

Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Sitat fra: Spiren på mars 26, 2013, 15:46:52 PM
18.11.2011 New york Times

"There is a limited transition period where we have to manage the nervousness on the markets," Mr. Schäuble said. "If it is clear that by the end of 2012 or the middle of 2013 that we have all the ingredients for new, strengthened and deepened political structures together, I think that will work."  >:(


Du vet, vi er midt i påsketiden, en utmerket periode for statskupp. Alle er på ferie.

Eurocrash: Cyprus details yet to emerge

"As you might imagine, I have been following the Cyprus situation closely, reading hundreds of English language reports, and well as many foreign language reports, and especially those in the German press.

The one thing that I come away with, though, is that there are huge gaps in the accounts. We are thus very far from knowing the truth of what has been going on, and the full text of whatever deal has actually been made. The publicly accessible information is to the rest what the tip is to an iceberg. "


"Perhaps it is too early to expect a response, with people either in shock or looking to find the missing detail that would make sense of the deal. No that the banks are to stay closed until Thursday, it may take until then before the reaction sets in.

And at that point, we may well find out how well trained and organised the Cypriot riot police are. But one should also remember that this is an island which is extremely adept at guerrilla warfare. No one in their right mind messes with the natives – as the EU may yet learn."
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på mars 26, 2013, 20:31:02 PM
Du vet, vi er midt i påsketiden, en utmerket periode for statskupp. Alle er på ferie.


CYPRUS: Now 1938 really is here again

SitatWell, now we know the full cost of leaking and incompetence to the real people of Cyprus: Then this morning the 20%-40% seizure of the depositor's money, which was the range that had been discussed, was revealed by the Finance Minister Michael Sarris in Cyprus  to be more like an 80% expropriation and a timeline to get any money back of six to eight years. For which read, "100% and never".

Today the Sudentenland, tomorrow Czechoslovakia.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på mars 27, 2013, 22:35:39 PM
Sitat fra: Amatør1 på mars 26, 2013, 20:31:02 PM
Du vet, vi er midt i påsketiden, en utmerket periode for statskupp. Alle er på ferie.


Smoke Signals Special: 'Eurogroup will stop capital flight NOW'

"Yesterday in Frankfurt, Marketwatch opined as follows: 'the precedents set by the Cyprus deal have undermined the euro in a very important way. The imposition of capital controls–a euro-zone first–now means that a euro held in a Cypriot bank account can't be moved, withdrawn or even spent with the same ease as a euro held in a bank account in Germany, France or anywhere else in the 17-nation eurozone. Simply put, a "Cypriot euro" is worth less than a euro held in a bank account anywhere else.'

It makes the whole idea of EMU a nonsense: it is, in fact, the beginning of the end of EMU. In a client note after the true level of Cyprus haircut was announced, Deutsche Bank strategist George Saravelos wrote, 'Economic and monetary union across the entire euro zone no longer exists. Even though [Cyprus] is very small, policy makers' willingness to suspend cross-border euro convertibility is a meaningfully negative signal for the euro zone.' The economics boffins at Nomura concurred: 'Common currency, by definition, means that a euro in country A is equivalent to a euro in country B' they wrote. UBS Head of Global Economics Paul Donovan told CNBC, "If you impose capital controls, effectively, the monetary union is dead.". And perhaps most chilling of all, David Mann, Regional Head of Research for the Americas at Standard Chartered Bank says, "There is no point in anyone claiming they know what's coming next. It's [capital controls] gone from something hardly mentioned a week ago to something that is being taken absolutely seriously enough to be running into a real scenario. But it has to be instant. Bank runs can literally be electronic — they happen at a touch of the button."

Well, we have a four-day weekend here, when all the fingers are away from all of the buttons."

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


GREEK REPORTER: Bank of Cyprus Wipes Out Big Depositors

"Depositors with more than 100,000 euros ($130,000) in uninsured accounts at the Bank of Cyprus stand to suffer big losses under a restructuring plan devised as a way to confiscate their holdings and trigger release of a 10 billions euros ($13 billion) bailout.

They will get shares worth only 37.5 percent of their deposits, an unnamed source told Reuters, while 22.5 percent of deposits over the insured limit will accumulate no interest and the other 40 percent will be paid interest only if the bank prospers."

Oppdatering 21:48: Link rettet
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to

Ewer Gladblakk.

The Homer Simpson's economic education in high shelf made school....(egen vri-engelsk)! ;D
Løft kun ett bein om gangen.....ellers går du bare på snørra!


BRICS dumping euro amid simmering EU banking crisis

Brussels has been forced to eat a generous slice of humble pie: A massive sell-off of the euro is underway in the wake of a persistent financial crisis, as holdings in the European currency by emerging economies were slashed by almost 8 percent last year.

Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.