Hellas, EU og Euro

Startet av Amatør1, mai 23, 2012, 23:57:13 PM

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Richard North viser til at støtten til Euro ikke akkurat er stigende i Danmark, men "karakteristisk for rasen" er det politisk establisment upåvirket av demokratiske stømninger:

Eurocrash: so that's a "no" then?

SitatRichard North, 03/04/2013   

An opinion poll for Danske Bank carried out by Statistics Denmark found 15 percent of Danes agreeing with the idea of joining the euro. On the other hand, 56.9 percent decided that joining was definitely not a good idea.

This compares with 46.8 percent for, and 53.2 percent against in the 2000 referendum on joining the euro.

Needless to say, the political establishment still have their ambitions. Says Klaus Rasmussen, chief economist at the Confederation of Danish Industry, " the euro has a lot of problems, and the Danes are obviously sensible enough to say that a membership discussion is not worthwhile, as long as the countries of the euro area have not solved their problems".

He adds, that "It's a good idea to join the euro, but it's no surprise that the Danes have decided that now is not a good time".

This rather typifies the breed. Unless or until the euro lies dead, with a steak through its heart, a silver bullet in its skull, and is buried in consecrated ground, surrounded by garlic and a moat of holy water, there will still be people who want to join it.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Har vi nogen indflydelse i EU?

En stadig større del af de love og regler, vi lever under her i Danmark, er enten vedtaget eller påvirket af EU.

Men vi er tilsyneladende ikke særligt interesseret i, hvad der sker og bliver besluttet i førebunkeren i Bruxelles.

Hør debat med Messerschmidt  ;D
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


EU er insolvent:

Eurocrash: the EU needs a bailout
For years, says Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN), the EU has accumulated invoices and now has outstanding debts totalling €217.3 billion for the current multi-annual budgetary period.

Since the member states have so far refused to furnish additional funds, the EU is by any normal benchmark insolvent.

SitatAdopting the liberal and imaginative solution which the Commission proposed for Cyprus, we can see the obvious way out. The bank accounts of all Commission employees should be frozen, the assets of the EU institutions sequestered and then there should be a massive series of compulsory layoffs and a fire sale of property.

But since, under EU law, the institutions cannot carry over debt from one year to another, we will have to express regret that we cannot lend and money to them. The whole lot will simply have to be wound up – terribly sad, we agree, but these things have to be done.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Hellas: Ex-SYRIZA leader Alavanos launches party advocating Greek euro exit

"Former SYRIZA leader Alekos Alavanos officially launched his new "Plan B" party on Thursday, advocating Greece leave the euro and return to the drachma."

"Alavanos, who led SYRIZA to a 5.04 percent share of the vote in 2007, said that his new party would eschew the usual bureaucracy associated with political movements and instead harness the power of the Internet and direct democracy by operating through a "national network of assemblies, which will have decision-making powers.""
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Hvem er euro-drømmens næste offer?

Se det dog i øjnene: Før eller siden bliver Eurozonen nødt til at tvinge et land til at forlade den fælles valuta. Og jo før desto bedre.
Jeg er fristet til at hovere, men fremtiden er for dyster, ikke mindst for mit eget lille land; for når Babelstårnet begynder at vakle, er vi alle i fare.

Morten Messerschmidt

Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Zero Hedge har samlet noen tall som kan få noen og hver til å lure:

SitatThe Global Financial Pyramid Scheme By The Numbers

The global financial system is more interconnected today than ever before, and a crisis at one major bank or in one area of the world can spread at lightning speed.  As I wrote about yesterday, the entire European banking system is leveraged 26 to 1 at this point.  A decline in asset values of just 4 percent would totally wipe out the equity of many of those banks, and once a financial panic begins we could potentially see major financial institutions start to go down like dominoes.

We got a small taste of what that is like back in 2008, and it is inevitable that it will happen again.

Anyone that would tell you that the current global financial system is sustainable does not know what they are talking about.  Just look at the numbers that I have posted below.

The following is the global financial pyramid scheme by the numbers...

-$9,283,000,000,000 - The total amount of all bank deposits in the United States.  The FDIC has just 25 billion dollars in the deposit insurance fund that is supposed to "guarantee" those deposits.  In other words, the ratio of total bank deposits to insurance fund money is more than 371 to 1.

-$10,012,800,000,000 - The total amount of mortgage debt in the United States.  As you can see, you could take every penny out of every bank account in America and it still would not cover it.

-$10,409,500,000,000 - The M2 money supply in the United States.  This is probably the most commonly used measure of the total amount of money in the U.S. economy.

-$15,094,000,000,000 - U.S. GDP.  It is a measure of all economic activity in the United States for a single year.

-$16,749,269,587,407.53 - The size of the U.S. national debt.  It has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.

-$32,000,000,000,000 - The total amount of money that the global elite have stashed in offshore banks (that we know about).

-$50,230,844,000,000 - The total amount of government debt in the world.

-$56,280,790,000,000 - The total amount of debt (government, corporate, consumer, etc.) in the U.S. financial system.

-$61,000,000,000,000 - The combined total assets of the 50 largest banks in the world.

-$70,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of total world GDP.

-$190,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world.  It has nearly doubled in size over the past decade.

-$212,525,587,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the notional value of the derivatives that are being held by the top 25 banks in the United States.  But those banks only have total assets of about 8.9 trillion dollars combined.  In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 24 to 1.

-$600,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives generally fall within this range.  At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives to global GDP is more than 21 to 1.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Every single day, the total amount of debt will continue to grow faster than the total amount of money until the day that this bubble bursts.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Jeg var som en diktator

Helmut Kohl: Det tyske folk var imod Euro.

H. Kohl indrømmer,  indførslen af Euro foregik udemokratisk: havde det været en folkeafsteming, var det blevet stemt imod Euro.

Demokrati kan kun lykkes, når/hvis man siger: Sådan er det.  >:(

Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Til informasjon, dette er ikke så morsomt som det kan se ut for...

How can broke economies lend money to other broke economies who haven't got any money?

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Det er bare elektronisk gjeld som svirrer rundt og rundt i systemene mens tallene vokser. Det "perfekte" gjeldssystem. Og ingen bryr seg om hvorvidt det virkelig finnes penger. Da er det mer realt med Monopol. Når du taper dine penger, ja, så har du tapt dine penger og dine eiendommer. Problemet med Monopol er at du alltid kan starte et nytt spill og få en ny sjanse ;) Jeg lurer veldig på hvordan de skal komme seg ut av denne knipen uten en katastrofe for befolkningene.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: seoto på april 14, 2013, 11:58:16 AM
Jeg lurer veldig på hvordan de skal komme seg ut av denne knipen uten en katastrofe for befolkningene.

Har noen sagt at det er målet?
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på april 14, 2013, 12:01:59 PM
Sitat fra: seoto på april 14, 2013, 11:58:16 AM
Jeg lurer veldig på hvordan de skal komme seg ut av denne knipen uten en katastrofe for befolkningene.

Har noen sagt at det er målet?

Du har vel rett i det, ingen har sagt at de skal komme seg ut av denne knipen uten en katastrofe for befolkningene. Folk er jo bare brikker i spillet, de kan brukes, knuses, kastes, sultes eller hva som enn måtte være nødvendig. Det får meg til å tenke på bakmennene for klimaskremslene, de som ønsker en verdensbefolkning på 500 millioner.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Nytt EU-kritisk parti i Tyskland: Alternative für Deutschland

SitatSchluss mit diesem Euro!

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland steckt in der schwersten Krise ihrer Geschichte. Die Einführung des Euro hat sich als eine fatale Fehlentscheidung erwiesen, die unser aller Wohlstand bedroht.

Die Altparteien sind verkrustet und verbraucht. Beharrlich weigern sie sich, ihren Fehler einzugestehen und zu korrigieren.

Deshalb haben wir die Alternative für Deutschland gegründet.

Forsøksvis oversatt liste over hovedpunkter med hjelp fra Google (med forbehold om betydelig risiko for feil):

  • Vi taler for en ryddig oppløsning av eurosonen. Tyskland trenger ikke euro. Andre land skades av euro.
  • Vi ber om gjeninnføring av nasjonale valutaer, eller å skape mindre og mer stabile valutaforbund. Gjeninnføring av DM bør ikke være tabu.
  • Vi ber om en endring i europeiske traktater for å tillate hver stat å forlate euroen. Hver nasjon må bestemme demokratisk sin valuta.
  • Vi krever at Tyskland hevder denne angrerett fra euro ved å blokkere ytterligere lån av ESM med veto
  • Vi krever at kostnadene for den såkalte bailout politikken ikke belastes skattebetalerne. Banker, hedgefond og store private investorer er de som nyter godt av denne politikken. De må først stå oppreist.

Se også: EU politics: Europe stands for "disappointment and alienation"

SitatConvened today was the founding congress of the AFD, attended by 1,500 people at the Hotel Intercontinental in Berlin. A long report from Die Welt, together with FAZ has it that "thunderous applause" constantly interrupted the proceedings.

The opening speech was delivered by Konrad Adam, former member of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung editorial board and for nearly seven years the chief political correspondent for Die Welt.

Europe, he said, stood for "disappointment, outrage, and alienation", which drew the "thunderous applause" of the members. What has been gained over many decades, had been lost in just a few months, with the "alleged rescue policy" having "discredited Europe", Adam said.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Hva får unioner og imperier til å kollapse?

SitatBy debasing currency, increasing taxes and imposing stringent regulations on the lives of individuals, the Empire was, for a time able to survive. It did so however by vastly increasing its own costliness and in doing so decreased the marginal return it could offer its population.
Dette lyder kjent? Det fortsetter slik:
SitatThese costs drained the peasantry so thoroughly that the population could not recover from outbreaks of plague, producing lands were abandoned and the ability of the state to support itself deteriorated.

Sitatene er ikke fra EU-parlamentet, men fra The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter, "which argues that monetary collapse was one of the main reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire".

Ref. james Delingpole Gold, currency debasement and the fall of the Roman Empire
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


En av vekslingsbørsene for Bitcoin stenges pga. "circumstances beyond its control".

BitCoin exchange BitFloor shuts down trading

BITCOIN trading exchange BitFloor has halted trading indefinitely and is promising to return everyone's money.

The price of the virtual currency has been fluctuating wildly over the last few weeks announced on its website that it must "cease all trading operations indefinitely...due to circumstances beyond its control

SitatIt makes perfect sense. Worldwide adoption of Bitcoin would eliminate most of the functions and costs of banks. No more giving bankers 3-5% of every transaction! So banks fear and hate Bitcoin and will do anything, legal or not, to stop it from growing. This bank decided to close the bank account of one Bitcoin exchange, making it slightly harder for people to convert fiat to Bitcoin. Same thing happened to another exchange in Poland a few days ago. Coincidence? Maybe. Or possibly part of a coordinated assault against the Bitcoin infrastructure. The rich don't like it when you tell them they might have to start working to stay rich!
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to