Startet av Amateur2, november 25, 2012, 19:46:13 PM

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Opponents score a victory in Senate against 'Monsanto Protection Act'

In its short-term government-funding bill, the US Senate will propose an end to a budget provision that protects genetically-modified seeds from litigation despite possible health risks.

Following the original vote in March, President Barack Obama signed the provision into law as part of larger legislation to avoid a government shutdown. Rallies took place worldwide in May protesting the clandestine effort to protect the powerful companies from judicial scrutiny.
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Monsanto buys big data weather company to boost yields and profit

Agriculture giant Monsanto has announced acquisition of the Climate Corporation, a climate data research company, expecting that its info will help farmers maximize crop yields with fewer resources.

The $930 million cash purchase is set to give the company an upper hand in the quickly expanding field of scientific weather data, something that would put vast amounts of climate information at farmers' fingertips.
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Det er artikler som denne, av Vandana Shiva, som gir meg håp. Hun er en av verdens viktigste kvinner. Hennes makt synes å øke, siden flere og flere lytter til henne. I motsetning til politikere og FN-systemet, snakker hun om en virkelig "sustainability", og ikke én bygd på grådighet og utnyttelse, utvist fra de få. Selv er jeg overbevist om at det finnes ingen andre måter å fjerne fattigdom på enn ved å sette de fattige i stand til å klare seg selv. Verdensbanken og IMF skaper bare en økende fattigdom i verden, siden de bygger på vekst for de få, allerede rike, gjennom økende tyveri fra de mange, de fattige. Vandana Shiva er en kvinne jeg føler dyp respekt for, og håper hun aldri vil tenke en korrupt tanke.

SitatHow economic growth has become anti-life
An obsession with growth has eclipsed our concern for sustainability, justice and human dignity. But people are not disposable – the value of life lies outside economic development

Vandana Shiva, Friday 1 November 2013 04.22 GMT
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Limitless growth is the fantasy of economists, businesses and politicians. It is seen as a measure of progress. As a result, gross domestic product (GDP), which is supposed to measure the wealth of nations, has emerged as both the most powerful number and dominant concept in our times. However, economic growth hides the poverty it creates through the destruction of nature, which in turn leads to communities lacking the capacity to provide for themselves.

The concept of growth was put forward as a measure to mobilise resources during the second world war. GDP is based on creating an artificial and fictitious boundary, assuming that if you produce what you consume, you do not produce. In effect , "growth" measures the conversion of nature into cash, and commons into commodities.

Thus nature's amazing cycles of renewal of water and nutrients are defined into nonproduction. The peasants of the world,who provide 72% of the food, do not produce; women who farm or do most of the housework do not fit this paradigm of growth either. A living forest does not contribute to growth, but when trees are cut down and sold as timber, we have growth. Healthy societies and communities do not contribute to growth, but disease creates growth through, for example, the sale of patented medicine.

Water available as a commons shared freely and protected by all provides for all. However, it does not create growth. But when Coca-Cola sets up a plant, mines the water and fills plastic bottles with it, the economy grows. But this growth is based on creating poverty – both for nature and local communities. Water extracted beyond nature's capacity to renew and recharge creates a water famine. Women are forced to walk longer distances looking for drinking water. In the village of Plachimada in Kerala, when the walk for water became 10 kms, local tribal woman Mayilamma said enough is enough. We cannot walk further; the Coca-Cola plant must shut down. The movement that the women started eventually led to the closure of the plant.

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Husk å minn våre sannhetssøkere om at Vandana Shiva er utdannet kvantefysiker med hovedoppgave innenfor tema ikke-lokalitet.

Hun er helt ekstraordinær, og det er på tide at flere kvinnenr i verden våkner opp og tør å si fra!

Det er kun sammen vi kan se mest mulig av helheten;)

Yin og yang!


Nå også Hawaiis største øy:

SitatMayor signs GMO bill 113 into law

HILO, Hawaii – Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi ended weeks of speculation on Thursday by signing into law the controversial genetically modified organisms prohibition bill that was passed by the Hawaii County Council.
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China rejects imported US transgenic corn

2013-11-30 BEIJING - China's quality watchdog said on Friday that China has recently rejected 60,000 tonnes of corn imports from the United States which contains unapproved transgenic content.

Local authorities in the southern port city of Shenzhen found MIR162, a type of insect-resistant transgenic corn, among a batch of over 60,000 tonnes of corn imported from the United States, said Chen Xitong, spokesman for the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ).

MIR162 is not authorized by China's agricultural department, and the Shenzhen bureau returned the batch of imports according to China's regulations for genetically modified agricultural products.
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


SitatHungary Will Remain GMO Free

Hungary will remain free of genetically modified organisms, and our policy on this shall remain one of zero tolerance, the Ministry of Rural Development's Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Gyula Budai declared at a press conference in Budapest on Sunday.

Ikke rart at MSM omtaler Ungarn som et diktatur ;) Det er jo ikke slik verdenseliten ønsker at et land skal oppføre seg. På toppen av denne galskapen med GMO, har også Ungarn betalt all sin gjeld til IMF  :o Slikt er ikke helt sunt. Vil det bli bygd opp en motstandsbevegelse som skal styrte dagens regjering? Penger vil jo ikke være noe problem for en slik gruppe.
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SitatMonsanto Faces USD 1 Billion Brazilian Farmer Lawsuit

Brazilian farmers are suing Monsanto for allegedly collecting royalties illegally and for forcing farmers to sign "abusive" purchase contracts, GM Watch reported Monday.

In Brazil, farmer-led court actions are piling up against Monsanto for collecting royalties on RR1 soybeans regarded as illegal and for conditioning the sale of new GM seed Intacta RR2 to the signing of a contract seen as abusive, according to an article for Valor Online (Brazil). Lawyers for the farmers and representative bodies estimate the value of the claims against Monsanto at 1.9 billion Brazilian real (about USD 1 billion). Processes have not been completed, but preliminary estimates say the claims may affect the company's profits.

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Fra Reuters, 13.12.13:

SitatEU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato

* EU Commission broke rules when it gave approval, court says

* BASF stopped growing Amflora potato in Europe in 2012

* Decision casts more doubt on Europe's GMO approval rules

Europe's second-highest court on Friday overturned a decision by the European Commission to allow the cultivation and sale of a genetically modified potato developed by German chemicals group BASF.

The General Court of the European Union said the Commission had failed to follow the bloc's rules when approving the Amflora potato, which is genetically modified to produce extra starch for use in the paper industry.

While Amflora is no longer grown in Europe - BASF withdrew the product in 2012, citing opposition to the technology - the ruling raises new concerns about the EU's complex and much-criticised approval system for GMO crops.

"Because the Commission significantly failed to fulfil its procedural obligations, the General Court has annulled the connected decisions," the court said.
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SitatRoundup Weedkiller Linked To Global Epidemic of Fatal Kidney Disease

The mystery of what is causing thousands to die each year from a fatal kidney disease may now be solved, with evidence pointing to the world's most heavily used herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) as the primary culprit.

A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healthproposes a link between the herbicide known as Roundup (aka glyphosate) and a series of mysterious epidemics of fatal chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) affecting several poor farming regions around the world.

The extent of the health problem is so massive that the Center for Public Integrity found that CKDu has killed more people in El Salvador and Nicaragua than diabetes, AIDS and leukemia combined, over the past 5 years on record. [...]

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Ewer Gladblakk.

Løft kun ett bein om gangen.....ellers går du bare på snørra!


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Monsanto sin propagandamaskin forsikrer offentligheden at GMO er sikker og ikke anderledes end naturlige organismer. :o
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.