Hellas, EU og Euro

Startet av Amatør1, mai 23, 2012, 23:57:13 PM

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Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Og her er videoen med Farage:

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Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Richard North tar interessant nok for seg den norske EU-propagandaen:

EU politics: more Norwegian propaganda

SitatProbably the most dangerous weakness in the case for the continued UK membership of the EU is the face that we could enjoy the "benefits" of the Single Market without being members of the EU, simply by adopting the "Norwegian option" of EFTA/EEA membership.

Interestingly, though, the establishment politicians in Norway hate the idea of EFTA/EEA membership – they would much rather have their country join the EU. And no more so does this apply than to the Conservative opposition.

Therefore, it is entirely unsurprising that the LSE should invite opposition leader Erna Solberg to give them a lecture telling them that the so-called Norwegian option "is not right for the UK". It is equally unsurprising that the BBC should publicise her speech.

Listening to the speech, what came over was a politician filled with regrets that her countrymen had twice rejected EU membership. She thus painted the blackest picture she could of her country's EEA membership, emphasising the fact that Norway had "no voting rights in the EU – it is not at the negotiating table".

Klar tale. Men det blir klarere:

SitatSolberg even tried on the payments canard, stating that Norway contributed €204 million annually to the budget, not stating that 80 percent of that is contributed voluntarily to finance its participation in the EU's research programmes.et ka

This one-dimensional, and fundamentally dishonest view is very much in character for the europhile Norwegian establishment. Nothing comes over of how influential the Norwegians are in international organisations, which so often set the agenda which the EU has to follow.

Som Norh peker på, er EØS kraft avhengig av hvem som deltar. Det kan vise seg å bli et aktuelt alterativ for UK, med Norge som modell:

SitatAnd we must also not neglect that distinct probability that, if we were to leave the EU and work through EFTA/EEA, additional countries would undoubtedly follow, making the group much more powerful and able to negotiate better terms with the rump of the EU.

This, though, is caught up in the propaganda game and will not be rehearsed by the europhiles.
But at least we can take some comfort from the fact that, if both the BBC and the LSE are telling us that the "Norwegian option" is not a good idea, then it must have a lot going for it.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Det kan bli en frisk vår i år, hevder noen

Why France's gay marriage debate has started to look like a revolution
France, like the rest of Europe and much of the industrial world, is governed by one single political superclass which straddles not only nation-states but also left and right. EU politicians spend more time seeing each other than their own voters, while the range of policies actually at stake at any election narrows with each one. This is why voters systematically reject their leaders, and this is why the young have been so massively present in the marches. Such a situation cannot last.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


EU skal finansiere internett-troll for å manipulere EU-debatten på internett, slik vi kjennner det fra klimadebatten.

EU to set up euro-election 'troll patrol' to tackle Eurosceptic surge

"The European Parliament is to spend almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" with whom to debate in the run-up and during euro-elections next year amid fears that hostility to the EU is growing. "

SitatThe Daily Telegraph has seen confidential spending proposals and internal documents planning an unprecedented propaganda blitz ahead of and during European elections in June 2014.

Key to a new strategy will be "public opinion monitoring tools" to "identify at an early stage whether debates of political nature among followers in social media and blogs have the potential to attract media and citizens' interest".

Sitat"Parliament's institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand 'trending topics' and have the capacity to react quickly, in a targeted and relevant manner, to join in and influence the conversation, for example, by providing facts and figures to deconstructing myths."

Training for parliament officials begins later this month.

Paul Nuttall, UKIP's deputy leader, has attacked the proposals, which he said, violate the neutrality of the EU civil service by turning officials into a "troll patrol", stalking the internet to make unwanted and provocative political contributions in social media debates.

"Spending over a million pounds for EU public servants to become Twitter trolls in office hours is wasteful and truly ridiculous," he said.

Ikke helt ukjent fenomen, dette..... bortsett fra at det kommer i avisen at det er slik det foregår. Gjennomkorrupt.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Dette viser berettigelsen og nytten avDebattens Fugl Føniks, Amatør1. Dette er et voksende samfunnsproblem, og noe av det mest antidemokratiske som finnes. VGD er stappfulle av svineriet, men ingen ser ut til å bry seg. De tre apene i nedsnødd versjon.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Kunnskapsflyten på Internett har blitt en enorm plage for korrupte styresystem. Da er det viktig å latterliggjøre de som prøver å fortelle sannheten. Og som du sier: Utrolig å kunne lese disse bekreftelsene via MSM.
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Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


EU handler om kontroll - kontroll over folkene. Vi skal detaljstyres, og forbudene blir flere og flere.
Siste nå, er vi skal ikke lenger kunne bruke gode, gamle frøsorter (det vil sikkert gjelde også for Norge gjennom EØS-avtalen, der vi er den flinkeste i klassen).

Frøkartell- EU vil bestemme over din hage

EUs frølovgivning for 2013 er revidert av EU-kommisjonen. Industrien med aktører som Monsanto, lobbyer for lover som truer små frøforhandlere, gartnerier og bønders egne frø, ja selv  frø fra private hager.
Målet er at noen få store selskaper skal kontrollere hele matproduksjonen.

Men det var vi jo egentlig allerede klar over - Agenda 21 ønsker å la de få, store selskapene styre hva vi vanlige mennesker skal få tilgang til.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: seoto på mai 04, 2013, 22:03:18 PM
Agenda 21 ønsker å la de få, store selskapene styre hva vi vanlige mennesker skal få tilgang til.

Samt hvor de skal lagre det. Dvs. også hvor du ikke skal få lov til å lagre det

Forbyr kjølehjørner i private norske hjem
Fra 1. mai er det forbudt å selge kjølehjørner til bruk i private husholdninger.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Christopher Booker har en viktig artikkel i The Telegraph som alle oppfordes til å lese. Det handler om britisk politikk, men dette har direkte relevans til situasjonen i norsk politikk, som  mangler reell opposisjon. Artikkelen kommer etter et lokalvalg i UK som har gjort UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) med Nigel Farage i spissen til storbritannias tredje største parti, rett bak Labour.

Ukip vote is payback time for a political class that has lost the plot
The party's success is the tremor before the political earthquake

SitatUkip's record in recent elections may be only premonitory tremors of a real earthquake to come, as the people of Britain and Europe begin to rise up in protest against a zombified political class which has been allowed to rule over us without challenge for too long.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Det er godt å se at folk protesterer! Det finnes heldigvis en grense for hva folk finner seg i.

I England er det mange som protesterer sterkt mot dagens vanstyre. Det dannes en ny gruppe, "We are the People of the British Political and Lawful Rebellion Party". Dette er helt nytt, og de har fått opp en side på Facebook

I tillegg kom jeg over en blogg:

Posted: May 3, 2013

For the attention of: -

David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Edward Miliband and all Members of Parliament,

We Have Had Enough.
This letter is a warning – from the people. It is not a request that requires an answer, but it does require    a response – by way of action on your part that demonstrates that you understand its substance and the seriousness of our intent. The collective political establishment has betrayed the British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason. You do not need to know how many people we represent today, only how many we might represent tomorrow and you should know that our numbers grow daily.

Les mer ved å følge linken. Dette er harde og fordømmende ord til dagens politikere!
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Sitat fra: seoto på mai 05, 2013, 11:58:29 AM
Les mer ved å følge linken. Dette er harde og fordømmende ord til dagens politikere!

Meget sterke ord. Hvis dette blir fulgt opp i praksis er det intet mindre enn revolusjon. Jeg er redd dette har ligget i kortene lenge. Om det ikke skjer en drastisk og hurtig kursendring innenfor dagens regime, vil det ende med "regimeendring" i europeiske land som andre steder.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Og nå forbereder myndighetene i England seg på å beskytte seg mot folket:

SitatWater cannons on standby for summer riots
GERMAN-made water cannons are to be approved for use in mainland Britain within weeks, the Sunday Express understands.

Home Secretary Theresa May is said to be in favour of their deployment by police for the first time outside of Northern Ireland amid fears of summer riots.

Both the Metropolitan Police and the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) have requested them to tackle any civil unrest caused by welfare cuts and June's G8 meeting of world leaders.

The cannons, which would revolutionise riot control tactics and mark a move towards tougher European-style policing, would be available to other forces as a "national asset", Scotland Yard said yesterday.

Talks are at such an advanced stage that the type of cannon they want to use has even been identified.

The intimidating Ziegler Wasserwerfer 9000 is capable of carrying up to 9,000 litres of water, or even tear gas, which can be fired at rioters at the powerful rate of 1,100 litres per second.

The jet is mounted on a heavy-duty vehicle weighing 29 tonnes that is also equipped with CCTV cameras and searchlights at both the front and rear.

They are understood to cost about £1.3million each, with an order for three being considered. ...

Ser ut for at de kan få en "London warming" i sommer, helt uten global oppvarming - og med høy fuktighet.
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Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Det er kan hende dette de mener med 'warmer, wetter, and wilder' eller varmere, våtere og villere som det gjerne heter her til lands, selv om NrK har begynt å slette det de har hevdet om slikt. Se denne f.eks:


Denne referansen finnes i søket, men er fjernet fra NrKs sider
[attachimg=1 width=600]
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Ikke bra når de begynner å fjerne sine spor  >:( Feighetens herrer.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.