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Startet av seoto, august 24, 2011, 12:48:32 PM

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Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juli 17, 2014, 22:00:10 PM
Et nytt og moderne fly er nok en gang blitt en stor nyhet, ikke etter at det ble sporløst borte, men fordi det ligger rester av det på bakken i Ukraina. Samme fly, samme flyselskap som det forsvunne MH370. Har noen lyst til å beregne oddsen for at det kan skje?

Til nå er det flere merkelige ting som har kommet fram i forbindelse med den siste saken. Blant annet funnet av haugevis av uskadde pass. Noen påstår de lå i en bag funnet i nærheten av vrakrestene.

Hvorfor skal disse passene (be)vise noe? Vi har sett barbiedukker, barnesekker, nederlandske reisehåndbøker osv. som også ser helt uskadde ut. Det er blir muligens ikke så store skader på små gjenstander i et fly som treffes av en rakett som eksploderer i 10 000 meters høyde slik at de blir spredd utover et svært område.


Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juli 19, 2014, 12:50:29 PM
Her er en mildt sagt overraskende og sjokkerende uttalelse snappet opp av ABC News:



Den slags uttalelser er selvsagt skammelig, men ikke særlig overraskende når de kommer fra dem som etter all sannsynlighet har forårsaket denne tragedien, og som nå prøver å hindre OSSE-inspektørene å slippe til på åstedet for å finne ut av hva som har skjedd. Noe separatistene antagelig ikke klarer siden Putin er kommet under så sterkt internasjonalt press.

Her er listen over passasjerene som skal ha vært med flyet, med omtaler:


Sønnen til en sionist-general har fått nok av råskap, folkemordet, løgner, apartheid-politikk, sionisme og umenneskelighet. Klikk på bildet for dette lille offeret for å lese saken.

Dette er resultatet av menneskers systematiserte og bevisste ondskap.
Stikk motsatt av de utviskede parodiene av fakta folk flest forholder seg
til ved hjelp av kognitiv dissonans.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Grusomme bilder fra en grusom verden. Akkurat som de (vi ikke får se) av ofrene for nedskytingen av flyet over Øst-Ukraina.

Golda Meir, Israels tidligere statsminister, skal en gang ha sagt:

SitatVi kan tilgi at araberne dreper våre barn. Vi kan ikke tilgi dem for å tvinge oss til å drepe deres barn. Det blir ikke fred før de elsker sine barn mer enn de hater oss.

Dette er sakens kjerne.


FINAL – Part II: Evidence Continues to Emerge #MH17 Is a False Flag Operation

In the disseminated intercept, the place from which the missile was allegedly launched is clearly indicated: the checkpoint at the settlement of Chernukhino.

Pay close attention at the Alleged Map of the MH17 Catastrophe.

As you can see, the distance from the point of launch to the point of the fall is 37 kilometres. At the same time, the elevation of the plane was 10-11 kilometres. For the Russian BUK M2 this distance is, in fact, achievable (although with a very important caveat discussed below).

However, Ukraine does not, and cannot, have modern digital high-tech Anti-Aircraft systems in its arsenal. What it does have, at best, is the older version BUK M1. The system itself is not too bad, and could even fit the stated distance. Except for the caveat that was mentioned.

The thing is that most short to medium range Anti-Aircraft systems work extremely poorly in a "pursuit" mode. There are a number of reasons for this, and I do not intend to belabor the point, but you can take it as an axiom that when the launch is made in "pursuit" of the target, the maximum distance of the launch that successfully hits the target is at least half of the advertised maximum distance (in reality, it even worse, but let's leave aside the sad part). Accordingly, the real distance of a "pursuit" launch for BUK M1 is 16 kilometres. What's more, the last 3 kilometres are purely "God willing" and "without guarantees."

And, so, we have the background. Let's see how the picture unfolds:

The launch is alleged to have been made from Chernukhino. The maximum distance of the launch is 16 kilometres. The aircraft fell between Snezhnoye and Torez. That's 37 kilometres, which is 20 kilometres more than the maximum possible point at which the plain could have been hit. You know, even a plane with turned-off engines can't glide like that. But the trouble is that the aircraft was not whole.

According to the pattern of the spread of fuselage fragments and bodies, the plane was ruptured practically with the first shot. Here it must be mentioned that the high-explosive/fragmentation warhead of the rocket has a mass of approximately 50 kilograms (by the way, Ukrainians have an outdated modification, which is only 40 kilograms).

Overall, that's not too little; however, it must be understood that it detonates not when it sticks into an airplane, but when it is still at a certain, and fairly significant distance. Moreover, the main strike factor is not the blast wave, but far more significantly – the stream of fragments. These fragments are previously prepared rods (and in the earlier versions – little cubes, if I recall correctly). And yes, for a jet fighter, that, in itself, is more than sufficient.

However, here we are dealing with a huge airliner. Yes, one rocket will rip the casing, cause depressurization, and will kill a lot of passengers. But it will not break up the airliner into pieces. Given certain conditions, the pilots may even be able to land it. And, in fact, there have been precedents (to be provided in future posts). For example – the very same An-28, which is alleged to have been the first victim of a BUK system; even though it was done for, but the crew was able to successfully catapult out. Which, in some way, symbolizes. An An-28, by the way, is far smaller than a Boeing.

Nevertheless, this has relation to the next part of our analysis. For now, let's accept as a fact the break-up of the aircraft in the air, at a significant height (which is, in essence, what was observed. Allow me to remind you: "fragments spread over a radius of 15 kilometres." The key here is that this means the following: the aircraft (or, more precisely, the core of the aircraft) fell literally at the point where the rocket impacted it. Clarifying: as soon as the aircraft turned into a host of fragments of different mass, the separation of these fragments began due to air resistance and the difference in inertia. The densest fragment flew a further 3-6 kilometres, falling more and more steeply. The lightest – spread out and, due to gliding and air currents, fell somewhere within a 10 kilometre radius. The medium ones (primarily pieces of casing with high sail-effect and the victims' bodies) – fell almost vertically.

In other words, the rocket caught up to the plane no closer than 25 kilometres away from Chernukhino. Which is absolutely impossible for a BUK system.

By the way, we can't overlook the fact that, at maximum distances, BUK can be used only provided there is support from an external radar installation for location and guiding purposes. In other words, even if a rockets flies far, BUK's mobile radar does not cover its entire distance.

Accordingly, if SBU's video above is not fake, then, to our surprise, we discover that it was literally impossible for the aircraft to be shot down by the rebel's BUK. By the way, what exactly this BUK was doing in Chernukhino with the Cossacks is pretty much inexplicable. It is 60 kilometres whether you go to Donetsk or to Lugansk from there, and this BUK would be unable to protect the skies over either of the key cities. Nor are there any hostilities in the area. It's also strange for the Militia to expect enemy planes there – it's not like the pilots are their own enemies to make such detours over the enemy's territory, is it? Well, all right. As I already stated, let's accept, for the moment, that the intercept is not fake.

And that is what is so strange here: SBU literally offers evidence that proves that that the Militia had no part in the shooting down of the Boeing! The fact that they blame themselves in the recording is quite understandable. Unlike the fascists, they have a conscience, which takes its toll until you are sure it was not you who did it.

Ok. But somebody did, in fact, shoot down the plane?

Of course it was shot down. And here we have another question: what if this recording is a falsification through and through? Then it had to have been prepared somehow? And then disseminated?

That's when smoke starts to clear, and mirrors – to break.

That's the problem with tricks.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Til generell opplysning som en pekepinn om hva vi kan forvente av MSM i disse dager i forbindelse med hva som skjer i Gaza og Ukraina, oppfordrer jeg alle å lese et innlegg jeg skrev 2. juni nå i år. Følg linker og sett dere inn i hva dette dreier seg om, og hvilke konsekvenser en må trekke av det. Verden er er et rått sted, der maktens viktigste oppgave er å lure folk trill rundt, noe de ser ut til å ha lykkes nesten 100 % med.

Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juni 02, 2014, 23:24:50 PM
Fra følgende nettside har jeg lagt ut noen linker om psyops, eller psykologisk krigføring. Klikk tekstbildet for å komme til siden:

Alle linkene under unntatt den første og siste er PDF-dokumenter. Under linkene legger jeg ut noen sitater, og det dette først og fremst handler om er hvordan USA bruker voldsomme ressurser på å hjernevaske innbyggerne jorda rundt ved hjelp av mainstream media. Dette betyr i klartekst at det ikke finnes en eneste grunn til å tro noe som helst av det dere leser i MSM om de siste tiårs konflikter.

Psychological Operations Interview with the the former Deputy Commander of NATO's Information Campaign in Bosnia, Infocon Magazine Issue One, October 2003

Joint Publication 3-53 - Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, [1 MB], Joint Chiefs of Staff, 5 September 2003

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on the Creation and Dissemination of All Forms of Information in Support of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) in Time of Military Conflict [ 900k], May 2000

OPNAVINST 3434.1 Psychological Operations [565K] by the Chief of Naval Operations 1999

Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5.4 - Public Affairs Operations, [1.22M], October 1999

US Air Force Doctrine 2-5.3: Psychological Operations [710K] published in August 1999

(old) US JP 3-53: Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations [447K] published in July 1996

Psychological Operations Factsheet

Civil Affairs - The activities of a commander that establish, maintain, influence, or exploit relations between military forces and civil authorities, both governmental and nongovernmental, and the civilian populace in a friendly, neutral, or hostile area of operations in order to facilitate military operations and consolidate operational objectives. Civil affairs may include performance by military forces of activities and functions normally the responsibility of local government. These activities may occur prior to, during, or subsequent to other military actions. They may also occur, if directed, in the absence of other military operations. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Consolidation Psychological Operations - Psychological operations conducted in foreign areas inhabited by an enemy or potentially hostile populace and occupied by United States forces, or in which United States forces are based, designed to produce behaviors by the foreign populace that support United States objectives in the area. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Overt Peacetime Psychological Operations Programs - Those programs developed by combatant commands, in coordination with the chiefs of US diplomatic missions, that plan, support, and provide for the conduct, during military operations other than war, of psychological operations in support of US regional objectives, policies, interests, and theater military missions. Also called OP3. (Approved for inclusion in next edition of Joint Pub 1-02)

Propaganda - Any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Psychological Operations - Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives. Also called PSYOP. (Joint Pub 1-02)
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Hvorfor var det så viktig å få Flight MH17 til å fly over det området som "opprørerne" hadde kontroll over?

Her et kart over ruten til Flight MH17 slik CNN viser det:



Her er en illustrasjon som viser hvordan alle de andre tidligere flyturene fra samme selskap gikk:


The ten most recent flights of MH 17 went well south on Donetsk. The flight
that was shot down went north of Donetsk. How very curious.

Her er hva The Telegraph har å si om saken:


SitatCrashed MH17 flight 'was 300 miles off typical course'

MH17 flight feared to have been shot down over Ukraine was taking a significantly different route to the usual course for flights from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, according to aviation expert

The crashed MH17 flight took a route 300 miles to the north of its usual path, an aviation expert has said.

Robert Mark, a commercial pilot who edits Aviation International News Safety magazine, said that most Malaysia Airlines flights from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur normally travelled along a route significantly further south than the plane which crashed.

Malaysia Airlines has insisted its plane travelled on an "approved route" used by many other carriers.

But Mr Mark said: "I can only tell you as a commercial pilot myself that if we had been routed that way, with what's been going on in the Ukraine and the Russian border over the last few weeks and months, I would never have accepted that route.

"I went into the FlightAware system, which we all use these days to see where airplanes started and where they tracked, and I looked back at the last two weeks' worth of MH17 flights, which was this one.

"And the flight today tracked very, very much further north into the Ukraine than the other previous flights did ... there were MH17 versions that were 300 miles south of where this one was."

Records of recent MH17 flights on the FlightAware appear to bear out Mr Mark's claim, with earlier flights significantly further south than the flight that crashed.

Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Siterer en kort artikkel fra denne israelske avisen:


SitatWest Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel

Book by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro of Yitzhar permits even the murder of babies and children who pose threat.

Just weeks after the arrest of alleged Jewish terrorist, Yaakov Teitel, a West Bank rabbi on Monday released a book giving Jews permission to kill Gentiles who threaten Israel.

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, wrote in his book "The King's Torah" that even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to the nation.

Shapiro based the majority of his teachings on passages quoted from the Bible, to which he adds his opinions and beliefs.

"It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation," he wrote, adding: "If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder."

Several prominent rabbis, including Rabbi Yithak Ginzburg and Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, have recommended the book to their students and followers.

Spørsmålet alle må stille seg selv og helst være i stand til å svare på, om enn bare for seg selv, er hvorfor khazarene ikke ser på ikke-khazarer som mennesker? I hundrevis av år har de uttrykt ønske om å utrydde oss, men dette er det ikke så mange som vet, for folk tør som kjent ikke stille spørsmål, aller minst hvis de vet det kan føre til at de blir kalt antisemitter.

Men nå har jeg tatt vekk den byrden for de som har lest innleggene mine. Det er ikke semitter vi kritiserer, det er en gjeng khazarer av halvmongolsk avstamming som ikke har mer til felles med semitter enn Gro Harlem Brundtland til medmenneskelighet. En skal ikke se bortfra at de to eksemplene henger sammen. Var det ikke nettopp hun som sa at alt henger sammen med alt?
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Robert Perry med sensasjonelle opplysninger om Flight MH17

Først en kort presentasjon av journalisten:

SitatRobert Parry (journalist)

Robert Parry is an American investigative journalist best known for his role in covering the Iran-Contra affair for the Associated Press and Newsweek, including breaking the Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare (CIA manual provided to the Nicaraguan contras) and the CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US scandal in 1985. He was awarded the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He has been the editor of ConsortiumNews.com since 1995.

Amerikanske myndigheter sitter på satellittbilder som viser at det var Ukrainske styrker som skjøt ned Flight MH17


SitatWhat Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?

July 20, 2014

Exclusive: The U.S. media's Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia's President Putin. But now – with the scramble to blame Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down – the shoddy journalism has grown truly dangerous, says Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

In the heat of the U.S. media's latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia's President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.

The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It's hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn't show up somewhere.

Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.

So why hasn't this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title "U.S. official: Russia gave systems," without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?

Instead, the Post's Michael Birnbaum and Karen DeYoung wrote from Kiev: "The United States has confirmed that Russia supplied sophisticated missile launchers to separatists in eastern Ukraine and that attempts were made to move them back across the Russian border after the Thursday shoot-down of a Malaysian jetliner, a U.S. official said Saturday.


What I've been told by one source, who has provided accurate information on similar matters in the past, is that U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.

The source said CIA analysts were still not ruling out the possibility that the troops were actually eastern Ukrainian rebels in similar uniforms but the initial assessment was that the troops were Ukrainian soldiers. There also was the suggestion that the soldiers involved were undisciplined and possibly drunk, since the imagery showed what looked like beer bottles scattered around the site, the source said.

Instead of pressing for these kinds of details, the U.S. mainstream press has simply passed on the propaganda coming from the Ukrainian government and the U.S. State Department, including hyping the fact that the Buk system is "Russian-made," a rather meaningless fact that gets endlessly repeated.

Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juli 21, 2014, 15:38:37 PM
SitatWhat Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?
The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It's hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn't show up somewhere.

Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.

So why hasn't this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title "U.S. official: Russia gave systems," without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?

Instead, the Post's Michael Birnbaum and Karen DeYoung wrote from Kiev: "The United States has confirmed that Russia supplied sophisticated missile launchers to separatists in eastern Ukraine and that attempts were made to move them back across the Russian border after the Thursday shoot-down of a Malaysian jetliner, a U.S. official said Saturday.


What I've been told by one source, who has provided accurate information on similar matters in the past, is that U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.

The source said CIA analysts were still not ruling out the possibility that the troops were actually eastern Ukrainian rebels in similar uniforms but the initial assessment was that the troops were Ukrainian soldiers. There also was the suggestion that the soldiers involved were undisciplined and possibly drunk, since the imagery showed what looked like beer bottles scattered around the site, the source said.

Instead of pressing for these kinds of details, the U.S. mainstream press has simply passed on the propaganda coming from the Ukrainian government and the U.S. State Department, including hyping the fact that the Buk system is "Russian-made," a rather meaningless fact that gets endlessly repeated.


Det er et spørsmål som ikke er stilt her: Her sies det at man ikke bare vet nøyaktig hvorfra den angivelige raketten (merk: vi har ingen bevis for at påstanden om dette er korrekt) kom fra, men man hevder altså å kunne bestemme ikke bare utseende og design på uniformene, men også "beer bottles scattered around the site". Det er jo interessant oppløsning fra geostasjonær bane (36 000 km), gjennom en turbulent atmosfære. Godt gjort, for å si det forsiktig.

Men la oss ta dette på "face value" og akseptere påstandene. Man kan altså se objekter på bakken ned mot 15-20 cm størrelse.

Hva da med MH370 som fløy i timevis uten å bli oppdaget? Et Boeing 777-fly har et vingespenn 64.8m og er ca 70m langt. Det er selvsagt ikke mulig å se med samme utstyr som så ølflaskene på bakken i Øst-Ukraina?

Det er umulig å kommentere dette på rasjonelt vis. Implikasjonene er for sterke og tydelige. Vi blir løyet til.

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på juli 21, 2014, 21:55:54 PMVi blir løyet til.

Absolutt hele tiden. Alt er en illusjon. Det finnes ingen virkelighet. Nå er to versjoner servert her i Norge. Den fra MSM, og den som er lagt ut i denne tråden.

Det er om å gjøre å huske disse ordene fra en på innsiden. En som virkelig visste hvordan ting blir gjort, hvordan alt henger sammen.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
V. Lenin

Det finnes ingen sider i internasjonal politikk. Det eneste som finnes er de som bestemmer, og de som blir lurt.

Ta Putin som eksempel. Hvilke stilling hadde han under Sovjet-tiden? Hva har jeg skrevet om e-tjenestene og oligarkene? Disse sosiopatene lever av å skape kriser. Disse krisene blir enten "løst", eller så drar de i gang en krig, alt etter hensikten og det umiddelbare eller planlagte behov.

Hva skrev jeg om hvem som er makta i mange innlegg, lenge før "revolusjonen" i Ukraina? Hvem endte opp med makta?

Det er lenge siden illusjonistene tok over. Det var omtrent ved første morgengry. Den første av tidens morgener. Alt som skjer skjer fordi det er bestemt at det skal skje.

Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Har lagt ut om dette tidligere, men fikk aldri noe svar. Mens nordmenn debatterte EU i 1994, og alle så med spenning fram mot EU-avstemningen (rådgivende folkeavstemning), visste ingen at Gro Harlem Brundtland allerede hadde vært på Korfu og underskrevet denne avtalen:

Ceremony held to mark the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union of Norway, Austria, Finland and Sweden (Corfu, 24 June 1994)


Spol til ca. 1:30 ut i filmen for å se selve avtalesigneringen.

Alt er en illusjon. Folk blir lurt. Hver eneste dag. Hver time i døgnet. Til og med språket er ødelagt på noen få år, slik at folk ikke en gang er i stand til å tenke selvstendig, for så sterk innvirkning har det nye søppelspråket på individet.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Original webside

Oversatt fra Russisk med Google translate (ingen manuelle rettelser foretatt)
Irrefutable. Su-25 vs Boeing 777
Special briefing at the Russian Defense Ministry, dedicated to the destruction of the aircraft incident "Boeing-777» Malaysia Airlines July 17, 2014. - Full version
Briefing spend Chief operational management of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Andrew Kartapolov and Chief of the Air Staff, Lieutenant-General Igor Makushev

Main theses:

1. At the time of his death «» Malaysia Airlines at the same point was Ukrainian combat aircraft Su-25.
The distance between the two aircraft did not exceed 3-4 kilometers.

2. According to its characteristics of the Su-25 is able to briefly reach a height of 10,000 meters. The composition of its standard weapons included missiles "air - air" R-60, capable of capturing and hit targets at a distance of up to 12 kilometers, and is guaranteed - at a distance of 5 kilometers "

3. Previously, Ukrainian officials reported that on the day of the Ukrainian military aircraft in the area was not Incidents

4. The Russian Defense Ministry has also provided satellite data and radar control area death Malaysian aircraft afternoon July 17, 2014.

5. Were deployed in the area of e n at least three battalions of S "Book" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Means of objective control fixed day July 17 increased activity 9S18 radar "Dome" SAM "Buk": worked nine stations. In this July 15 and 16 worked, respectively, 7 and 8 radar 9S18, and since July 18 - 2-3 stations of this type.

6. Russian Defense Ministry has asked the U.S. military to provide U.S. satellite intelligence data. According to Andrew Kartapolova at the time of death of the Malaysian airliner flying over the area of ​​the U.S. military reconnaissance satellite designed to detect and track missile launches.

7. Provided pictures Russian military satellites, fixed location Ukrainian air defense system "Buk" in the day of the disaster and the previous days.

The first three pictures are dated July 14.
The first picture shows the SAM launchers "Beech" in the area of ​​8 kilometers north-west of Lugansk. The picture shows clearly seen and two self-propelled machine puskozaryazhayuschih.

Presented at the next picture radar station near Donetsk

The third photo shows the position was in the area of ​​air defense equipment Donetsk.
In particular, clearly visible propelled fire setting, about 60 units of military and special equipment

From the same area, and photographs were taken on July 17.

Please note that the launcher is missing.

In the photo number 5 that the morning of the same day near the village of Zaroschinskoe that 50 kilometers east of Donetsk and 8 kilometers south Shakhtersk detected battery 'Beech' "

"The question arises, why the battery was in the area near the territory controlled by militias, directly before the tragedy? Shooting in the area, made on July 18 showed that the battery is left position previously occupied by "

And - yes - to not get up twice
Russian Security Council will meet tomorrow
On the agenda of issues related to ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation
Follow ether
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juli 21, 2014, 13:35:42 PM
Hvorfor var det så viktig å få Flight MH17 til å fly over det området som "opprørerne" hadde kontroll over?

Her et kart over ruten til Flight MH17 slik CNN viser det:



Her er en illustrasjon som viser hvordan alle de andre tidligere flyturene fra samme selskap gikk:


The ten most recent flights of MH 17 went well south on Donetsk. The flight
that was shot down went north of Donetsk. How very curious.

Denne saken er også nevnt på nrk.no:

Flightradar24 har på NRKs forespørsel satt sammen en oversikt over antall fly som har flydd i området over Donetsk den siste uken.

Totalt 830 fly som tilhører 65 ulike flyselskap, blant dem Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines. KLM og Thai Airways, fløy over det samme området hvor MH17 styrtet.

Ifølge informasjonen NRK har fått fra Flightradar24 var det ingen norske flyselskaper på listen.

GPS-data fra Flightradar24 viser at det lå en 787 fra Air India like foran det malaysiske flyet som styrtet. Og kun 25 kilometer og få minutter bak lå det et fly som var på vei til Singapore fra København.


Twitter-bruker Vagelis Karmiros har laget et kart over flyruten til MH17 de siste 11 flyvningene. Kartet viser at flyet tok en litt annen rute enn de siste 10 flyvningene. En ruteendring som viste seg å være katastrofal for alle om bord.

Det har blitt spekulert om piloten trosset advarsler fra internasjonale luftfartsmyndigheter om å fly over konfliktområdet, for å spare tid og penger på drivstoff.

– Malaysia Airlines har, i likhet med mange andre, fortsatt å bruke ruter over dette området, fordi ruten er kortere. De bruker mindre drivstoff, og dermed blir det billigere, sier Norman Shanks, professor i flysikkerhet ved Coventry University, til Business Insider.

Tre dager før flyet styrtet, økte ukrainske myndigheter trusselnivået i luftrommet over Øst-Ukraina. Myndighetene frarådet 1. juli flyvninger under 26 000 fot, mens de økte restriksjonen til 32 000 fot 14. juli. Det melder flightglobal.com.

Det malaysiske flyet fikk beskjed om å fly 33 000 fot over bakken gjennom ukrainsk luftrom, til tross for at de ba om å få fly i en høyde av 35 000 fot, skriver nyhetsbyrået Reuters.