Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juli 21, 2014, 13:35:42 PM
Hvorfor var det så viktig å få Flight MH17 til å fly over det området som "opprørerne" hadde kontroll over?
Her et kart over ruten til Flight MH17 slik CNN viser det:
Her er en illustrasjon som viser hvordan alle de andre tidligere flyturene fra samme selskap gikk:
The ten most recent flights of MH 17 went well south on Donetsk. The flight
that was shot down went north of Donetsk. How very curious.
Flightradar24 har på NRKs forespørsel satt sammen en oversikt over antall fly som har flydd i området over Donetsk den siste uken.
Totalt 830 fly som tilhører 65 ulike flyselskap, blant dem Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines. KLM og Thai Airways, fløy over det samme området hvor MH17 styrtet.
Ifølge informasjonen NRK har fått fra Flightradar24 var det ingen norske flyselskaper på listen.
GPS-data fra Flightradar24 viser at det lå en 787 fra Air India like foran det malaysiske flyet som styrtet. Og kun 25 kilometer og få minutter bak lå det et fly som var på vei til Singapore fra København.
Twitter-bruker Vagelis Karmiros har laget et kart over flyruten til MH17 de siste 11 flyvningene. Kartet viser at flyet tok en litt annen rute enn de siste 10 flyvningene. En ruteendring som viste seg å være katastrofal for alle om bord.
Det har blitt spekulert om piloten trosset advarsler fra internasjonale luftfartsmyndigheter om å fly over konfliktområdet, for å spare tid og penger på drivstoff.
– Malaysia Airlines har, i likhet med mange andre, fortsatt å bruke ruter over dette området, fordi ruten er kortere. De bruker mindre drivstoff, og dermed blir det billigere, sier Norman Shanks, professor i flysikkerhet ved Coventry University, til Business Insider.
Tre dager før flyet styrtet, økte ukrainske myndigheter trusselnivået i luftrommet over Øst-Ukraina. Myndighetene frarådet 1. juli flyvninger under 26 000 fot, mens de økte restriksjonen til 32 000 fot 14. juli. Det melder
Det malaysiske flyet fikk beskjed om å fly 33 000 fot over bakken gjennom ukrainsk luftrom, til tross for at de ba om å få fly i en høyde av 35 000 fot, skriver nyhetsbyrået Reuters.
Irrefutable. Su-25 vs Boeing 777
Special briefing at the Russian Defense Ministry, dedicated to the destruction of the aircraft incident "Boeing-777» Malaysia Airlines July 17, 2014. - Full version
Briefing spend Chief operational management of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Andrew Kartapolov and Chief of the Air Staff, Lieutenant-General Igor Makushev
Main theses:
1. At the time of his death «» Malaysia Airlines at the same point was Ukrainian combat aircraft Su-25.
The distance between the two aircraft did not exceed 3-4 kilometers.
2. According to its characteristics of the Su-25 is able to briefly reach a height of 10,000 meters. The composition of its standard weapons included missiles "air - air" R-60, capable of capturing and hit targets at a distance of up to 12 kilometers, and is guaranteed - at a distance of 5 kilometers "
3. Previously, Ukrainian officials reported that on the day of the Ukrainian military aircraft in the area was not Incidents
4. The Russian Defense Ministry has also provided satellite data and radar control area death Malaysian aircraft afternoon July 17, 2014.
5. Were deployed in the area of e n at least three battalions of S "Book" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Means of objective control fixed day July 17 increased activity 9S18 radar "Dome" SAM "Buk": worked nine stations. In this July 15 and 16 worked, respectively, 7 and 8 radar 9S18, and since July 18 - 2-3 stations of this type.
6. Russian Defense Ministry has asked the U.S. military to provide U.S. satellite intelligence data. According to Andrew Kartapolova at the time of death of the Malaysian airliner flying over the area of the U.S. military reconnaissance satellite designed to detect and track missile launches.
7. Provided pictures Russian military satellites, fixed location Ukrainian air defense system "Buk" in the day of the disaster and the previous days.
The first three pictures are dated July 14.
The first picture shows the SAM launchers "Beech" in the area of 8 kilometers north-west of Lugansk. The picture shows clearly seen and two self-propelled machine puskozaryazhayuschih.
Presented at the next picture radar station near Donetsk
The third photo shows the position was in the area of air defense equipment Donetsk.
In particular, clearly visible propelled fire setting, about 60 units of military and special equipment
From the same area, and photographs were taken on July 17.
Please note that the launcher is missing.
In the photo number 5 that the morning of the same day near the village of Zaroschinskoe that 50 kilometers east of Donetsk and 8 kilometers south Shakhtersk detected battery 'Beech' "
"The question arises, why the battery was in the area near the territory controlled by militias, directly before the tragedy? Shooting in the area, made on July 18 showed that the battery is left position previously occupied by "
And - yes - to not get up twice
Russian Security Council will meet tomorrow
On the agenda of issues related to ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation
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Sitat fra: Amatør1 på juli 21, 2014, 21:55:54 PMVi blir løyet til.
Sitat fra: Jostemikk på juli 21, 2014, 15:38:37 PMSitatWhat Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?
The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It's hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn't show up somewhere.
Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.
So why hasn't this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title "U.S. official: Russia gave systems," without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?
Instead, the Post's Michael Birnbaum and Karen DeYoung wrote from Kiev: "The United States has confirmed that Russia supplied sophisticated missile launchers to separatists in eastern Ukraine and that attempts were made to move them back across the Russian border after the Thursday shoot-down of a Malaysian jetliner, a U.S. official said Saturday.
What I've been told by one source, who has provided accurate information on similar matters in the past, is that U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.
The source said CIA analysts were still not ruling out the possibility that the troops were actually eastern Ukrainian rebels in similar uniforms but the initial assessment was that the troops were Ukrainian soldiers. There also was the suggestion that the soldiers involved were undisciplined and possibly drunk, since the imagery showed what looked like beer bottles scattered around the site, the source said.
Instead of pressing for these kinds of details, the U.S. mainstream press has simply passed on the propaganda coming from the Ukrainian government and the U.S. State Department, including hyping the fact that the Buk system is "Russian-made," a rather meaningless fact that gets endlessly repeated.
Sitat fra: Telehiv på juli 21, 2014, 20:42:05 PM
Forstår jeg dette rundt dyphavet riktig (under 700m) så er det et poeng at man får kaldere trend bare ved å rette opp databruken til Trenberth et al, altså uten å tilføre andre datakilder enn de som allerede er kjente.
SitatJeg anbefaler alle å lese grundig hva som egentlig sies her, og gjør dere samtidig noen tanker om hvor forsiktig selv noen av verdens tyngste forskere fremdeles må være for ikke å havne i absolutt unåde. Ekkelt å se slike høvdinger måtte liste seg gjennom de kritiske korridorer.
Døm selv her:,%202014,%20Bidecadal%20thermal%20change%20in%20the%20abyssal%20ocean,%20in%20press,%20J.%20Phys.%20Oc.,%20(pdf)
SitatHistorically, deep hydrographic measurements (below a few hundreds or perhaps 1000 m)
67 have been both difficult and expensive to acquire (see Abraham et al., 2013). The consequence
68 has been sampling by a few, rare (in a multi-decadal or centennial context), fragmentary top-to-
69 bottom hydrographic stations and sections. Systematic global surveys did not begin until the
70 era of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, circa 1990. Fig. 1 displays all of the oceanic
71 temperature data (all CTD values) below 2000 m and below 3600 m since 1992 and used here
72 (taken from the World Ocean Data Base 2009 of NOAA). Elephant seal temperature data do exist
73 below 2000 m, but are rare and are not included. By some standards (e.g., paleoceanography;
74 see Huybers and Wunsch, 2010), an impressive amount of data does exist: an evaluation of their
75 adequacy can only be made in the context of the signal-to-noise structure and magnitudes at
76 depth.