Dagens link om alt annet enn klima

Startet av seoto, august 24, 2011, 12:48:32 PM

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Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, fmr. Chief of Staff to Colin Powell i "Who Makes US Foreign Policy?"

Denne videoen forklarer på bare drøyt 20 min. mye om hvordan verden styres, i og med at det er slik USA styres.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


En krystallklar og god video, seoto. Supert at du la den ut!

Nå kan se og høre en som lenge har befunnet seg midt i begivenhetene i all hovedsak si nøyaktig det samme som jeg har skrevet om og om igjen.

Jeg håper det nærmer seg tidspunktet da folk tør ta igjen med og fordømme de som forsøker nekte slike opplysninger og kunnskap å bli allemannseie. Dette er en viktig del av den kollektive oppvåkningen ingen nasjon trenger mer enn Norge.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Sitat fra: Spiren på mai 13, 2014, 22:55:37 PM
Joe Biden's Son Appointed Director of Ukraine's Largest Gas Company!


Er det ikke en herlig gjeng der borte? Disse kriminelle morderne som alle stortingspartier gir sin fulle støtte. Hva gjør det norske stortingspolitikere til?
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Jeg minner om denne i tilfelle den har gått noen hus forbi som ellers gjerne ville sett den:

Sitat fra: seoto på mai 13, 2014, 22:27:22 PM
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, fmr. Chief of Staff to Colin Powell i "Who Makes US Foreign Policy?"

Denne videoen forklarer på bare drøyt 20 min. mye om hvordan verden styres, i og med at det er slik USA styres.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Dette er desidert den morsomstes beskrivelsen jeg noen gang har lest om våre Eidsvolls-menn  ;D  :o  ???  8)

Med takk til Niels Chr. Geelmuyden.


«Vi var beruset», fastslo eidsvollsmannen Gustav Peter Blom. Det må man ha lov til å tro. Ifølge Nicolai Wergeland ble delegatene tilbudt 1853 liter vin da de ankom Carsten Ankers gods på Eidsvoll i vårløsningen tiende april. De kunne sant å si behøve en oppstiver, da fleste var som rullet i søle og slam. Selv greven blant dem, Wedel Jarlsberg, så ut som en gjørmebryter. Knapt noen kunne se at han utsteg av en atten karats gullkaret og ikke av jordgamme.
Forsamlingen skulle enes om mye på kort tid. Derfor har flere fremhevet det verdifulle ved at ingen nordlendinger rakk frem i tide. Arrangementet kan nesten minne om nåtidens realityserier på TV, i grenselandet mellom «Farmen» og «Big Brother». Med den fatale forskjell at man ikke inviterte noen av det annet kjønn. I en avsides bygning full av børst stuet man sammen 112 mannfolk som stort sett var vilt fremmede for hverandre. Oppgaven var å stable en grunnlov på bena så fort som mulig. Alle knep var tillatt. Mange startet dagen med øl og dram, eller madeira. Ondsinnede rykter ble satt ut om andre deltakere. Noen ble beskyldt for spionasje og forræderi, andre for korrupsjon.

Det er absolutt verdt det å lese hele stykket. Så kan man jo beholde de bildene som dannes i hodet i dagene som kommer ;) Kanskje burde feiringen blitt et riktig fylleslag for å hedre disse mennene?
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.


Og dermed var amerikanernes adgang til rommet en saga blott:

Russia Strikes Back - Cuts U.S. Access to Rocket Technology & Space Station

In one stroke Russia just cut off the U.S. government's access to mission critical rocket technology, and revoked their access to the International Space station. This comes right after the Defense Department's top weapons buyer admitted that it had no short term replacement for Russian rockets
We don't have a great solution," Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, said on April 30th, after testifying before a Senate committee. "We haven't made any decisions yet."

It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


I forbindelse med innlegget ovenfor om Eidsvoll-mennene, har jeg kommet over et bilde som den kjente tegneren Audun Hetland har tegnet i samme forbindelse, men dagen derpå, 18. mai:

Til salgs her for kr. 500:

Bildet jeg viser er et fotografi av tegningen tatt av en privatperson som kjøpte det for noen år siden.
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.

Ewer Gladblakk.

SitatI forbindelse med innlegget ovenfor om Eidsvoll-mennene, har jeg kommet over et bilde som den kjente tegneren Audun Hetland har tegnet i samme forbindelse, men dagen derpå, 18. mai:
Hei hvor det går! :)
Løft kun ett bein om gangen.....ellers går du bare på snørra!


Tidligere Malaysisk statsminister Mahathir tror noen skjuler informasjon om MH370

Sitat'Planes don't just disappear': Former Malaysian Prime Minister accuses CIA of covering up what really happened to flight MH370

Missing Flight MH370 did not crash and its current whereabouts may be know to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Boeing aircraft company, Malaysia's influential former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has claimed.

Dr Mahathir said the plane could have been switched onto autopilot remotely by the CIA if it had been hijacked.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på mai 19, 2014, 23:14:20 PM
Tidligere Malaysisk statsminister Mahathir tror noen skjuler informasjon om MH370

Sitat'Planes don't just disappear': Former Malaysian Prime Minister accuses CIA of covering up what really happened to flight MH370

Missing Flight MH370 did not crash and its current whereabouts may be know to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Boeing aircraft company, Malaysia's influential former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has claimed.

Dr Mahathir said the plane could have been switched onto autopilot remotely by the CIA if it had been hijacked.

Mahathir har forsåvidt grunn til å stille spørsmålet. Her er en liten artikkel fra "Homeland Security News Wire"

SitatBoeing wins patent on uninterruptible autopilot system

Published 4 December 2006

New technology can be activated by the pilots, government agencies, even on-board sensors; not even a tortured pilot can give up control; dedicated electrical circuits ensure the system's total independence

Although airplane cockpit door locks are now standard, worries remain about terrorists taking control of a plane a la 9/11, perhaps by extorting the pilots into opening the door against their better judgement. Elsewhere in today's issue we report on a new Raytheon contract to develop software that uses type of craft, location, and fuel capacity to determine the safest route for a hijacked or otherwise compromised aircraft. This is a great idea, one that must have Chicago, Illinois-based Boeing excited — not out of envy but because it improves the value of its recently awarded patent for a system that, once activated, takes control of the airplane away from the pilots and flies it to a predtermined landing position. Put the Raytheon and the Boeing systems together — now that's a good idea.

Boeing's is, of course, not the first autopilot technology in existence, but this one has been designed with counterterrorism first and foremost in mind. Not only is it "uninterruptible" — so that even a tortured pilot cannot turn it off — but it can be activated remotely via radio or satellite by government agencies. The system might even include senors on the cockpit door that activate the autopilot of a certain amount of force is used against it. "There is a need for a technique that ensures the continuation of the desired path of travel of a vehicle by removing any type of human decision process that may be influenced by the circumstances of the situation, including threats or further violence onboard the vehicle," the patent application explains. To make it fully independent, the system also has its own power supply, independent of the aircraft's circuit breakers.

CNN har en video om systemet: Remote-controlled autopilot on planes?

Dokumenter fra FAA, dvs. amerkanske myndigheter om dette systemet:

SitatSpecial Conditions: Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER Series Airplanes; Aircraft Electronic System Security Protection From Unauthorized Internal Access
A Rule by the Federal Aviation Administration on 11/18/2013

"The integrated network configurations in the Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER series airplanes may enable increased connectivity with external network sources and will have more interconnected networks and systems, such as passenger entertainment and information services than previous airplane models. This may enable the exploitation of network security vulnerabilities and increased risks potentially resulting in unsafe conditions for the airplanes and occupants. This potential exploitation of security vulnerabilities may result in intentional or unintentional destruction, disruption, degradation, or exploitation of data and systems critical to the safety and maintenance of the airplane. The existing regulations and guidance material did not anticipate these types of system architectures."
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


JP Morgan tech expert killed himself in building plunge – inquest
SitatJP Morgan technology expert Gabriel Magee, who fell to his death from the US bank's tower in London's Canary Wharf financial district, killed himself, an inquest said on Tuesday. "Gabriel jumped off the 32nd floor with the intention of killing himself," Senior Coroner Mary Hassell said in her conclusion, as cited by Reuters. It was clear that work performance issues which Magee, 39, had previously faced were consequences of personal troubles, she said. The vice-president of JP Morgan's corporate and investment bank technology arm plunged from the building in January, hitting a lower, 9th-floor roof where he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Det er ikke noe farligere i verden enn opprigtig uvitenhet og pliktoppfyllende dumhet.
Martin Luther King.


Sitat fra: Amatør1 på mai 19, 2014, 23:53:17 PM
Dokumenter fra FAA, dvs. amerkanske myndigheter om dette systemet:

SitatSpecial Conditions: Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER Series Airplanes; Aircraft Electronic System Security Protection From Unauthorized Internal Access
A Rule by the Federal Aviation Administration on 11/18/2013

"The integrated network configurations in the Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER series airplanes may enable increased connectivity with external network sources and will have more interconnected networks and systems, such as passenger entertainment and information services than previous airplane models. This may enable the exploitation of network security vulnerabilities and increased risks potentially resulting in unsafe conditions for the airplanes and occupants. This potential exploitation of security vulnerabilities may result in intentional or unintentional destruction, disruption, degradation, or exploitation of data and systems critical to the safety and maintenance of the airplane. The existing regulations and guidance material did not anticipate these types of system architectures."

Meget interessant informasjon om et amerikansk patent som omhandler et automatisk, "stand alone" system ombord på Boeng fly som oppdager og sender "sort-boks-data" trådløst når et fly gjør uvanlige manøvre (slik det jo hevdes MH370 gjorde):

SteveMarch 29, 2014 at 6:56 PM

In the case of patents relating to 'proof of landing' of MH370, I refer you to patent (US20130158751) Stand Alone Aircraft Flight Data Transmitter

This is a seperate system to the 'aeroplane computer system and software' that is mounted in the FDR (flight data recorder). Its purpose is "a method and apparatus for transmitting data from an aircraft when an undesired condition is present for the aircraft" - being collision with terrain or RUNNING OUT OF FUEL etc.

This system will automatically begin the transmission of FDR information (being the voice recorder, location and instrument data) to (either Boeing or Malaysia Airlines) via satellite in the event that the plane is deemed to be threatenend ei crash prediction.

The system is powered via the priority power system and has several power redundancies. If the on-board generators fail or are turned off, and the auxiliary is turned off, and the main batteries get physically disconnected, the FLR batteries will then run this unit and the data transmission.

By the way, all of the above + a steep descent + running out of fuel and a number of other factors would all individually be deemed an "undesired condition present for the aircraft" by the software and the transmission of FDR information would automatically begin prior to ditching.

Thus, since the reporting system (in the FDR) operates completely independently from the aircraft systems ("stand alone"), the OFFICIAL VERSION of events would have trigered the system to begin FDR transmission as the plane ran out of fuel, before it crashed.

One can only conclude then that flight MH370 began, continued and ended WITHIN the parameters specifying 'normal flight' wrt the Stand Alone Aircraft Flight Data Transmitter.

In short, it can't have run out of fuel and crashed, and this system wasn't mentioned by the black hats via their leashed media to back up their "suicide claim". They couldn't, they can't manufacture the voice data nor the complete flight data quickly.

They can however modify header info of the 6 pings of data to point to the Sth I-Ocean.

Which is interesting, because the 6 pings are also from systems on the priority power system, which means that the priority power was operational. Which in turn means the FDR was powered.

They're snookered.
It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them, that they have been lied to


Interessant stoff du presenterer, Amatør1. Det er liten tvil om at dette er nok en hendelse i rekken av utrivelige aksjoner i regi CIA/Mossad. Vet ikke om dette er nevnt før, men satellitten som fant "vrakdeler" utenfor Australia er eid av et firma der tidligere president Bush er eier.
Ja heldigvis flere der ser galskapen; men stadig alt for få.
Dertil kommer desværre de der ikke vil se, hva de ser.



Dersom det kan være antisemittisk å snakke om medienes eiere, ja, da beviser det jo bare hva folk knapt tør å si høyt: Eierne er tydeligvis jøder (sionister/askenasier), for ellers kunne det ikke være antisemittisk å snakke om dem ;)

Og selvsagt er det UKIP som skal angripes, for de er på vei til å ta skremmende mye makt fra de veletablerte, de som allerede har godtatt den skjulte makten. Noen føler seg truet ;)

Is Talking About Media Ownership Anti-Semitic?
Noen ganger er løgnen for stor til at man kan få øye på den.
Og når man ikke kan se at det er en løgn, velger man naturlig å tro på den.